季節の花 日本花図鑑 動スライドショーとピアノ音楽


森の赤い星?!Red star in the forest? !

2020-04-25 15:28:51 | 季節の花
In the morning, the room temperature is 13 degrees, January and February.The weather is fine.There is no cloud.It's just a faint wind, but a little cold.I took a picture because the manes of the garden in the prefectural housing are so beautiful.Then, at the intersection in front of the barber shop, we will see the state of medaka today.Everybody is well.It is Fujimi Park.I stand in front of the Styrax obassia as usual and see the sky, but I see the sky I can't see the sky.It seems that the leaves of the trees are growing and the leaves are blocking the sky.The seasons are changing rapidly.In addition, the Rosa banksiae is very beautiful, probably because of the clear blue sky at the entrance to Sainomori Park.I took four pictures of the Rosa banksiae under the clear sky.And Sainomori Park, isn't it the number of visitors in front of Corona today?there's only a little.Dogwood is beautiful!Churib and Viola are planted together, but many tulips have petals falling!Aesculus turbinata has larger ears.I'm going home.The back roads of Fujimi Park and the Azalea are blooming more and more.Aeon doesn't stop.When I got home, I cleaned my mother's room.Today is my favorite red star in the forest! ? Please see if you like.
