季節の花 日本花図鑑 動スライドショーとピアノ音楽


ブラシ桜?!Brush cherry?!

2020-04-21 14:29:27 | 季節の花
It's sunny today.But sometimes it gets cloudy.It feels so good on the soil after the rain.Deutzia gracilis is in bloom.At Fujimi Park, we always look at the sky.There are about 10 Styrax obassia that I love there.Is it about 10 meters high?The leaves are still small, but they have large round leaves.I'm looking forward to the flowers blooming.And to the entrance of Johnson Town.Just like a greeted person with widely spread hands, the branches are stretched out side by side and the Rosa banksiae is in full bloom.Some of them are wrapped around large trees and bloom.that! There are a Cerastium tomentosum below!Exit here to Sainomori Park.There are many people today.I can't go anywhere, so I'm sure everyone will come here.Dogwood, Churibu, and viola are beautiful.On the way back, you will pass the back street of Fujimi Park.The Azalea is beautiful.In the garden of bright red Paeonia suffruticosa or soba restaurant!Again, pink Paeonia suffruticosa in the garden near Aeon.It should be about half bloomed.And go home.Is it cherry blossoms waving at the foot of the mountain today?Please see if you like.



