非一般ニュースはアカウント凍結 @kininaru2014111 さんが
――ジョージ・ソロスは、1月21日のドナルド・トランプ大統領就任式抗議の背後で、フェミニストグループに約9000万ドルを寄付。2016年の大統領選挙で、ウィキリークスはソロスが2015年4月に65万ドルを支払ったことを明らかにした。〔23:45 - 2017年1月28日 〕—―
「Pro-abort billionaire George Soros gave nearly $90 million to feminist anti-Trump protest groups 」。
――January 16, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-abortion billionaire George Soros has donated nearly $90 million to feminist groups behind a January 21 protest of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.
In a new report, Alatheia Nielsen at NewsBusters revealed that more than a quarter of the groups listed as "partners" on the Women's March on Washington website are funded by Soros. These include Planned Parenthood, to whom Soros has given over $21 million since 2000, and the Center for Reproductive Rights, to whom Soros has given over $3 million since 2000. Other Soros-funded groups participating include the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Catholics for Choice, Equality Now, NARAL, the National Abortion Federation, the Human Rights Campaign, and Amnesty International.
The feminist anti-Trump march, which the media have touted as a massive upcoming protest has been marred by disagreements over gender, class, and race.
Some women have withdrawn their participation because of the lack of minority women in the protest's leadership roles, the New York Times reported. Others have disagreed on whether the march – or its offshoot local marches – should focus more on race or gender.
Democratic Socialists of America, a group called "Lady Parts Justice," and numerous environmentalist groups are partners with the march as well.
According to the Capital Research Center, Soros is also connected to some the leftist groups that say they plan to "shut down" the nation's capital protesting the inauguration on January 20. These groups are part of a coalition called DisrputJ20, which is "planning to paralyze the city [of Washington, D.C.] itself, using blockades and marches to stop traffic and even public transit" the day of Trump's inauguration.
Undercover journalist James O'Keefe released a video on Monday showing members of the DisruptJ20 affiliate D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition planning to unleash stink bombs and set off sprinklers at the "Deploraball," a party at the National Press Club celebrating Trump's inauguration.―—
☆ 記事URL:https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pro-abort-billionaire-george-soros-gave-nearly-90-million-to-feminist-anti?utm_content=buffer9f5fa&utm_medium=social&utm_source=lifesitenews%2Btwitter&utm_campaign=buffer
――ジョージ・ソロスは、1月21日のドナルド・トランプ大統領就任式抗議の背後で、フェミニストグループに約9000万ドルを寄付。2016年の大統領選挙で、ウィキリークスはソロスが2015年4月に65万ドルを支払ったことを明らかにした。〔23:45 - 2017年1月28日 〕—―
「Pro-abort billionaire George Soros gave nearly $90 million to feminist anti-Trump protest groups 」。
――January 16, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-abortion billionaire George Soros has donated nearly $90 million to feminist groups behind a January 21 protest of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.
In a new report, Alatheia Nielsen at NewsBusters revealed that more than a quarter of the groups listed as "partners" on the Women's March on Washington website are funded by Soros. These include Planned Parenthood, to whom Soros has given over $21 million since 2000, and the Center for Reproductive Rights, to whom Soros has given over $3 million since 2000. Other Soros-funded groups participating include the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Catholics for Choice, Equality Now, NARAL, the National Abortion Federation, the Human Rights Campaign, and Amnesty International.
The feminist anti-Trump march, which the media have touted as a massive upcoming protest has been marred by disagreements over gender, class, and race.
Some women have withdrawn their participation because of the lack of minority women in the protest's leadership roles, the New York Times reported. Others have disagreed on whether the march – or its offshoot local marches – should focus more on race or gender.
Democratic Socialists of America, a group called "Lady Parts Justice," and numerous environmentalist groups are partners with the march as well.
According to the Capital Research Center, Soros is also connected to some the leftist groups that say they plan to "shut down" the nation's capital protesting the inauguration on January 20. These groups are part of a coalition called DisrputJ20, which is "planning to paralyze the city [of Washington, D.C.] itself, using blockades and marches to stop traffic and even public transit" the day of Trump's inauguration.
Undercover journalist James O'Keefe released a video on Monday showing members of the DisruptJ20 affiliate D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition planning to unleash stink bombs and set off sprinklers at the "Deploraball," a party at the National Press Club celebrating Trump's inauguration.―—
☆ 記事URL:https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pro-abort-billionaire-george-soros-gave-nearly-90-million-to-feminist-anti?utm_content=buffer9f5fa&utm_medium=social&utm_source=lifesitenews%2Btwitter&utm_campaign=buffer