Pokémon walk


The night view

2024-10-26 09:10:00 | 日記
It was lighten up around the water gate park.
I was walking along the river park and catching Pokémon which imitated the shape of a buddy Pokemon. 
It was Xoroa. I was catching them as if it were my buddy Giratina.

It was much easier to get caught of them than real ones.

I enjoyed catching them with AR on with the night view.


2 コメント

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Unknown (maron)
2024-10-30 17:55:21
This picture is very beautiful on the Kansui park.
Starbucks in the Kansui park is most beautiful would.
Guilatina buck to the night view is nice match schott📸📸
Unknown (pokemonwalk)
2024-10-30 20:53:45
This is actually Zoroa disguises Gilatina , which was caught much easier in the AR view.
