Pokémon walk


Rainy bad day

2024-10-07 20:43:00 | 日記
It’s been rainy for hours in the afternoon and evening. I had an errand and couldn’t play Pokémon in the morning. When I was going back home heavy rain started and never stopped.
I’m sorry that I didn’t use any raid pass today because of rain preventing my walk.
According to the weather forecast it’ll be half rain tomorrow and after tomorrow.
I’ll go out and walk while rain stopping.


2 コメント

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Unknown (maron)
2024-10-09 12:32:08
Today weather is rainny too but It's sunny at after noon.
Are you going to Toyama station in evening?
If you playing Pokemon so I hope you can catch many Pokemon.
Unknown (pokemonwalk)
2024-10-09 12:55:49
Thank you so much for your attention!
I’m going to the station area if I could join the raid hour…but I miss you so much🥲
