

Tonight Alive - How Does it Feel?

2016-02-12 01:29:14 | 日記

The strong human have the part of delicate also.

A victim is a murderer.

The fellows don't look on everybody as a human , they look on everybody as a 「thing」.

The fellows find pleasure to rule weak people at their feet and drive the people react against them into a 「c ell」.

It is not altogether mistake.

This is over religion.

The fellows's purpose is to make human as me kill oneself.

I'm sure they are satisfied with his perfomance and their action.

It is addressed self-enlightenment or.......「ST」

How do you feel now

I look you fine well.

When do you lower a curtain is called an end

Do you sell this hidden meaning story also as mysterious fiction

Tonight Alive - How Does it Feel?
