

Sister Shotgun - "No Hope" A BlankTV World Premiere!

2016-04-21 22:19:14 | 日記

It may be mistaken for hospitalization because my angel is to be not fully appreciated ill.

I saw a horrible appearance of my angel during she was in the hospital.

A one day, someone poured unreasonable liquid over her sheet pretend to be bed-wetting at midnight.

The sec-ond day, my angel's forehead swelled up as it have to c-ool the affected part
because someone beated her up with a stick during the sleeping.

Surprisingly, she didn't notice this matter in spite of she had a terrible experience in the hospital.

I can make a rough guess about this.

What do you spend so much diapers on with suppressing your laughter?!

I can't tolerate them all my life.

This never happened, and switch a wild fancy.

It is from now on for a fellow traveler to a gravevard.

Sister Shotgun - "No Hope" A BlankTV World Premiere!

