#Asahi 新着一覧
But they still want to write lies. They also want to slander the former prime minister.
Japan has lost Mr. Abe due to not discontinuing a ridiculous newspaper like Asahi!
Most of all, Japan has lost Mr. Abe due to not discontinuing a ridiculous newspaper like Asahi!
The Japanese nation paid the price for not discontinuing the Asahi Shimbun in August 2014.
It has been flattering and dutifully obsequious like a pet dog.
Are you the most shameful person in the world, on par with the likes of Asahi Shimbun and NHK?
Asahi Shimbun & Anti-Nuclear Power Plant Lawyer Spreads Lies by Using External Pressure
 夏のギフト Part ③
We should be mindful that this is nothing but a negative for Japan, and
It was the perfect answer to the question, "What is Asahi Shimbun?
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