「End CCP(中国共産党を終わらせろ)米国カー・ツアー」 賛同署名440万突破
アメリカ市民に中国共産党(中共)の邪悪さを知ってもらうために始まった「中共を終わらせる(End CCP)米国カー・ツアー」4年前から始まったこの活動は、現地の人々から熱烈な反響を得ており、これまで
2024年6月11日(火) オシャレな遮光グラスの事でもお任せください。
Repost ! It was a popular page yesterday, 2022/2/6.
1China is a perfect police state that continues to evolve continuously.2Cela rév&eg
にほんブログ村Charlie Ward & Friends がDavid Wilcock Official Telegram Chanel の記事を転送
'Oh, so the Kishida administration can't speak to China after all,' spread quickly.
Re-transmission! The U.S. side has described Yoshimasa Hayashi as "one of the most infl...
What is behind the Kono family's intention behind the actions that benefit China?
Editorial Department of "Hanada" Monthly@HANADA_asukaWhat is behind promoting a "fright...
Governor Tamaki’s recent visit to China vividly showcased his lack of wisdom
It is from Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai's serial column in Shukan Shincho, released yesterday.Th...
It is the top 10 real-time searchers, 6/17, 9:42.
1少子化の真因は…年収200万円前後で定職につけない若者を1000万人も作ったデフレの長期化にある2The Japanese people must no longe
Hey Greta Thunberg, Go To Your Favorite Land Of CCP And Preach There. 😀😂🤣😜🤪😈🇨🇳
Well now, Always Remember, Superdavebeastula, The Tall White Gothic Vampire Alien, Comi...
the Davos meeting is a conspiracy between CCP and Kissinger
In an article in this morning's Sankei Shimbun, Bill Gates and Xi Jinping are smiling a...