In the Abe assassination case, "We had no choice but to deploy…but he didn't do it,"
The following is from a tweet by Ryusho Kadota, which I just discovered.Kadota Ryusho@K...

ラーメンAbe's @静岡 / RAMEN ABE's @Shizuoka
"静岡 de 自然派ラーメン"シリーズ第2弾は、静岡市葵区沓谷(静鉄・古庄駅最寄り)の「ラー...

Gov't mulls clarifying Abe's legacies in revised security guideline.
Gov't mulls clarifying Abe's legacies in revised security guideline.Kyodo News, October 1

Abe’s State Funeral a Send-off in Line with National Dignity.
Abe’s State Funeral a Send-off in Line with National Dignity.The state funeral was n

Media Failed to Convey Feeling of Ordinary Mourners at Abe’s Funeral.
Media Failed to Convey Feeling of Ordinary Mourners at Abe’s Funeral.by Mr. Yasush

"Why the criticism that Abenomics has increased inequality is completely incorrect."
Professor Emeritus of Yale University: "Why the criticism that Abenomics has increased in

Remembering Shinzo Abe: a Crucial Player in the Fastest Growing Part of the World.
Remembering Shinzo Abe: Reflections On A State Funeral for a Crucial Player in the Fastes

Remembering Shinzo Abe: Former PM Suga’s Moving Eulogy On Behalf of Friends.
Remembering Shinzo Abe: Former PM Suga’s Moving Eulogy On Behalf of Friends.“Y

Immediately after Yoshihide Suga's moving eulogy, .....
Immediately after Yoshihide Suga's moving eulogy, only one person applauded loudly. S

Critics in China and South Korea Carp about Shinzo Abe State Funeral.
Critics in China and South Korea Carp about Shinzo Abe State Funeral.China rebuked Japan