#juniorhighschool 新着一覧
かたかなのなまえ Katakana’s name させぼじゃんぼたくしー Sasebo Jumbo taxi
English followsかたかなのなまえ Katakana’s name させぼじゃんぼたくしー Sasebo Jumbo taxi 1 さっき○○くんが
つうしん DX ことば Tushin DX words
English followsつうしん DX ことば Correspondence education DX a word1 きょうもたぶれっ...
軍需工場 A munitions factory. Their student age
English followsぐんじゅこうじょう じょがくせいじだいA munitions factory. Their student age...
美術のじかん 白い絵の具 An Art class, a white color
Art class in junior high school. White water color. 1 A first grade class of poster les...
机が足りない A desk is not big enough
English follows A first computer operation lesson in night junior high. The desk is not b
はじめてのパソコン マウス A computer lesson for the first time
English followsA first time computer operation lesson. A mouse 🐭 1 a student 70 year
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