Clinical Trial of Structured micronutrient for HIV Patients
HIV30 patients in an AIDS sanatorium in Chiang Mai, Thailand were prescribed 0.5 ml/day of struc
Cancer trials with structured micronutrient
Cancer trials with structured trace elementshttp://ameblo.jp/atayama0930/ Breast cancer...
Withdrawal of Drug Addicts from Withdrawal (Habituation) Using Structured micronutrient
A structured micronutrient (0.1 ml to 10 ml / day) taken by a drug addict relieves with...

Effect of Structured Micronutrient
Medical Effect:(1) CD4 increaseCancerAlzheimer`s disease, Dementia
STRUCTURED MICRONUTRIENT registered medication
Thai FDA reegistered the Structured Micronutrient as medication, supplement, food, drin...

Effect of Structured Micronutrient
Medical Effect:(1) CD4 increaseCancerAlzheimer`s disease, DementiaActivation

Viral pandemics in biota due to structured micronutrient deficiency
In 1987, a pandemic of a viral disease wiped out Taiwan's shrimp farming industry, the ...

CD8 + T increase and activation by structured micronutrient, virus-free and healthy plant growth
