In 1987, a pandemic of a viral disease wiped out Taiwan's shrimp farming industry, the largest source of foreign currency at the time.
The pandemic of the virus spread quickly, and the shrimp aquaculture industry was chained to China, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia.
Shrimp farming is an attempt to secure profits by releasing one million shrimp per hectare through ultra-intensive aquaculture, whereas in the wild, only a few thousand shrimp exist per hectare.
However, it is clear that this type of aquaculture goes against the SDGs. One day, one shrimp floats up as a signal, and in a few hours, a pandemic occurs, with a million shrimp floating up, farmers hanged or on the run at night, and aquaculture ponds have dried up to the horizon.
However, in the Andaman and Peruvian waters, there was no virus pandemic in shrimp farming, and the shrimp farmers were enjoying a comfortable lifestyle, driving luxury cars.
In these waters, the shrimp grew large, virus-free, tumor-free, healthy, and enjoyed a daily diet of sashimi and beer.
Due to differences in the seawater, the shrimp would get viral diseases, develop cancer, and before they could grow, a pandemic would break out, leading to their extinction. The waters would be contaminated with the virus, and aquaculture would not be able to resume for many years. Mineral components such as sodium, magnesium, and calcium were added to the ponds in an attempt to recreate mineral-rich seawater, but it was impossible to stop the spread of the virus.
In 1992, an attempt was made to define the differences in seawater.
Seawater at depths of 200 m to 6000 m is water with residence times ranging from 100 to 4000 years, the vertical distribution of elements is different above and below 200 m (Boyle et al, 1991), and it circulates in the deep sea (Deep Sea Water/Broecker, 1991). Dissolved minerals take complex forms (structured micronutrients).
When deep-sea currents strike submarine mountains, seawater rises to depths of 0 m to 200 m above the sea surface as upwelling. Such seawater, like deep-sea water, is structured with minerals.
Groundwater, which is terrestrial water and was enclosed in ancient times, constitutes a compositional distribution similar to that of deep-sea water and is rich in structured micronutrients.
Deep Sea Water/Broecker, 1991
Seawater containing these structured micronutrient provides a virus-free environment for halophilic organisms (plants, animals, fish, shellfish, and microorganisms) and a healthy, tumor-free growing environment, constituting a healthy, large, and long-lived biological community.
These waters (structured micronutrient water), in which the simple minerals (Na, K, Mg, Fe, etc.) contained in large amounts in deep sea water, spring water, and ancient water are removed and the content of structured micronutrients is relatively high, provide a virus-free environment for anaerobic biological systems (humans, animals, fish, shellfish, plants, microorganisms, and other biota), and constitute a healthy, tumor-free, larger, and longer-lived biological community. healthy, larger, and longer-lived organisms (E. Idaka, US PAT, 2002).
When a substance reacts, the first step is to obtain activation energy by hydration of the reactant and substrate.
Structured micronutrients are mineral ions containing intricately structured water, and the activation energy from hydration is large, thus increasing the major reaction rate.
Structured micronutrients activate biota in the hydrosphere, soil, and atmosphere, promoting the major reaction system and inhibiting the minor reaction system.
Chemical Reaction and Activity Energy
When the structuring of micronutrients collapses, viruses, which are side reaction systems, proliferate, and the biota become pandemic, tumorous, and extinct.
On the earth, as global warming progresses and polar glaciers disappear, cold melting water masses instantly become deep currents and stop circulating, and the regeneration of structured micronutrients (SDGs) will not occur.
The death and rebirth of biota in the earth's biosphere due to viruses is repeated.
Effects of Structured Micronutrient
(1)CD4 activation
Alzheimer's disease, dementia
Activation of ovulation (infertility)
Ulcerative colitis
Hair growth
Skin regeneration
Corneal regeneration
(2) Virus removal
Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) free
Influenza virus
Herpes virus
(3) Microbial diversity
Staphylococcus aureus free, atopic dermatitis
MRSA free
Microbial diversity of oral, intestinal, vaginal, and biota