Lagoon Guitar🌴

summery scent

【補足TAB】ヴィヴァルディ「四季~冬3」Vivaldi「The Four Seasons」winter-3-(supplement TAB)

2024年12月01日 | Guitar



This is a supplementary TAB for the video...

Fingering, position considerations and supplementary TAB notation

This is a TAB score for considering how to press, fingering, position, etc.









                                                  ...🐈Under construction

                 ~Coming soon




【補足TAB】ヴィヴァルディ「四季~夏3」Vivaldi「The Four Seasons」summer-3-(supplement TAB)

2024年12月01日 | Guitar



This is a supplementary TAB for the video...

Fingering, position considerations and supplementary TAB notation

This is a TAB score for considering how to press, fingering, position, etc.











                                                  ...🐈Under construction

                 ~Coming soon