
人生はrhythm BAR.

In Cambodia 2.

2007-09-07 22:08:25 | Travel Report.
Tonight is the last night in my Cambodia life
Tomorrow, I'm leaving for Singapore and change the plane to go to Japan
I will arive at my country early in the morning of Sep.9th.

By the way, how was the typhoon no.9??
I watched NHK on TV and got the information.
I am worried about my home beacause it's in low land and near the Nogawa.
It seems the typhoon goes to Hokkaido now.

I got up at 4 a.m. this morning and visited Sras Srang ; it is a lake of Angkor, to see sunrise
I also saw sunrise at Angkor Wat yesterday but today's sunrise was much better than yesterday's.
It was so beautiful that I felt I was in the magical world.

Now I'm going to get massage services
See ya


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2007-11-12 12:18:35
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