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Japanese Translation Services Guide: The Price is Right, But…

2018-03-06 | translation articles

Can You Live with the Quality?

When you're looking for Japanese translation services, the price might be right, but the real question is: can you live with the quality?

In this guide, we'll share insights from professional Japanese translators with decades of experience. Our goal is to help you find cost-effective, professional translation services. This doesn’t mean opting for cheap translations—if that's your goal, you won’t need this guide! Instead, we're focusing on quality that doesn't break the bank.

What Cost-Effective Translation Pricing Is NOT

There are plenty of services offering cheap translations, but beware! Inferior quality can end up costing you much more in the long run. An influential industry study found that

80% of international businesses lose money due to translation errors or poor-quality translations.

These losses come from missed business opportunities, lost customers, legal costs, and monetary penalties for non-compliance.

To illustrate, a client from Sri Lanka approached the Tokyo-based Translation Service Japan for a retranslation of their e-commerce website. The first company used a machine translation solution, resulting in a traffic and revenue crash. When they came to us, they had to pay for professional Japanese human translators. Ironically, our professional solution cost less than the original machine translation!

Avoiding the Avoidable

This doesn’t need to happen to you. You can avoid the pitfalls with the right knowledge and approach. Our complete guide, "Professional Guide – Japanese Translation Service Pricing," offers a detailed, easy-to-read summary to help you navigate the costs:

Planning Is Key

Effective planning is crucial for saving on translation costs. Know what you need and prepare accordingly to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Quality Over Cost

There are no secrets to cost-effective, quality translations. The right translation company will help you cut costs without sacrificing quality.

Attitude Matters

A little thing like a positive attitude can make a big difference, even in translation pricing. Approach your translation project with the right mindset.

Clear Communication

Communicate your requirements clearly to get accurate translation pricing. Misunderstandings can lead to costly errors.

Get Multiple Quotes

Three is the magic number for competitive translation rates. Compare quotes to ensure you're getting the best deal without compromising quality.

Beware of Deals

Chasing the cheapest deal can lead to costly translations. Quality should always be a priority.

Free Translation Guide

Read the complete guide at Professional Guide – Japanese Translation Service Pricing(Plus, our guide includes a Free Translation Pricing Checklist!)By following these tips, you can ensure that you get the best value from your professional translation services without sacrificing quality.


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