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2020-08-27 13:54:15 | ニュースコメント


Frequent use of pills is not recommended as a method of contraception.
First, get fat.
That is also how to get hungry. It's a big belly.
Then my chest gets smaller. Almost only nipples.
I know two women who use pills regularly, but both of them have the same shape.
I don't know if they apply to this emergency contraceptive or after pill.
Also, it is unclear whether those side effects are correct, because the data are for only two people.
However, there was an article that female athletes use pills to get fit on the day of the match.
According to it, there were still some side effects.
I don't know the point of this article, whether it is content that appeals to make it easier to obtain emergency contraceptives, or content that recommends emergency contraceptives as a means of contraception on the female side, but anyway, the content of side effects is None.
The demerits of emergency contraceptives should be explained properly.
Otherwise, it will be an irresponsible article.

ブータンなど13カ国、渡航中止に 新型コロナ

2020-08-27 13:39:04 | ニュースコメント


The threat of the new coronavirus is that you are infected but have no symptoms for a while.
If an unknown virus carrier travels, it will spread the virus all over the world.
If symptoms such as severe cough and high fever appear within a few days after infection, such as conventional influenza, it becomes difficult not only to travel but also to go out, so the virus calms down without spreading.
The invasion of this virus, the second wave, is considered dangerous.
In the case of a Spanish cold, the second wave was more poisonous than the first.
However, if the hypertoxicity causes subjective symptoms immediately after infection, it may be better.


2020-08-26 20:47:06 | ニュースコメント

「韓国軍 虐殺」で検索した最初のWikipediaに、両胸をえぐり取られ銃撃された21歳のベトナム女性等、韓国海兵師団残虐行為の証拠写真がある。

"The former Nazi party flag and Asahi flag were launched as anti-Japanese campaign because they are equal," but the brutality of the Korean military surpasses that of the Nazis.
The first Wikipedia search for "Korean Army Massacre" shows evidence photos of the atrocities of the Korean Marine Division, including a 21-year-old Vietnamese woman who had been plucked on both chests and shot.
As expected, the Nazis will not do the inhumane acts so far.
In the first place, the concept of anti-Japan is abnormal, and after all the unfavorable things are passed on to the responsibility of Japan, the feeling of a virtual image of Japan.
That is, "anti-Japanese brainwashing" is correct rather than "anti-Japanese emotion."
Korean sentiment toward the Asahi flag is also part of that anti-Japanese brainwash.
Regarding Japan's dislike of Korea, it is "a result of Japan positioning Korea as an equal entity," but that is not the case.
If you feed a stray dog compassionately, you will be mistaken for another one, and you will come over and over again, so it's the same act as chasing it away.


"이전 나치당 국기와 욱일 기는 같기로 반일 캠페인을 전개했다"고 있지만, 한국군의 만행 이야말로 나치를 웃돈 다.
"한국군 학살"로 검색 한 첫 번째 Wikipedia에 両胸을 도려내 가지고 총격 된 21 세 베트남 여성 등 한국 해병대 만행의 증거 사진이있다.
과연 나치도 여기까지의 비인도적 행위는하지 않는다.
원래 반일의 개념도 이상이며, 불편한 것은 모두 일본의 책임 전가 한 데 대한 허상의 일본에 대한 감정.
즉 '반일 감정'이 아니라 '반일 세뇌'가 맞다.
한국의 욱일 깃발 대한 감정도 그 반일 세뇌의 일환이다.
또한 일본의 혐한에 대해 "일본이 한국을 대등 한 존재로 자리 매김 한 결과"라고 있지만, 그렇지 않다.
똥개에 정을 걸고 한번 먹이를 준다면, 또한받을 수 있다고 착각 여러 번 끈질 기게 온다 그래서 그것을 追払っ하는 것과 같은 행위.
왜 끈질 기게 부당하게 모이는 가해 국과 단지 일방적으로 타카된다 피해국이 대등 한 존재가 될 수 있는지 의문.

「貯金は7月に尽きた」 50代女性 派遣終え5カ月 再就職めど立たず  <新型コロナと沖縄>

2020-08-26 20:22:56 | ニュースコメント


The recommended work is Night Casteau. In other words, the theme park night cleaning business.
I am always recruiting, and I hear that it will be adopted even if the age limit is exceeded.
It's basically a one-man job, so people with anthropophobia, silent people, and people who want to work silently are especially good.
I only have experience in Urayasu, but there should be similar jobs at theme parks in Osaka and Okinawa.
There are no early hours or overtime work because the park is open and closed, so my place is 7-8 hours (1 hour meal break and 30 minutes break) from 12:00 pm to 1 hour before opening. ).
It's already decided what to do, so the time passes quickly.
Also join health insurance and pension. Paid for 2 weeks a year.
The night shift is a little better. If you retire, you will get unemployment insurance.
The good thing about cleaning is that you never lose your job.
When I was in the office, there were no earthquakes or coronas, so the current status of hiring is unknown, but there may be a demand for cleaning jobs because of this time.

「第2波まっただ中」感染症学会理事長 政府は明言せず

2020-08-26 20:12:33 | ニュースコメント


The biggest threat of the new coronavirus is that it is easy to get subjective symptoms despite being infected.
Therefore, the virus holder continues to lead his/her daily life and spreads the virus around, thus increasing the number of infected people.
Probably the incubation period is long.
Therefore, there are many cases where a PCR test is performed and it is finally revealed that the infection has occurred.
In the case of conventional flu, for example, the symptoms of high fever and chills appear within a few days of infection.
I will not be able to live my daily life immediately and the people around me will not approach carelessly, so I will not increase the number of infected people in vain.
In other words, if symptoms begin to appear immediately after infection, the number of people with corona infection should decrease.
The second wave virus is more virulent than the first wave virus.
It was when I had a Spanish cold.
Specifically, the mortality rate seems to be higher.
However, if the virus develops immediately after infection, it will always subside.
Is it good or bad?

東京も「Go To」に加えるよう検討求める 公明・山口代表

2020-08-26 19:56:18 | ニュースコメント


I feel like it disappears naturally like Premium Friday.
I say the same thing over and over again, but boosting the travel industry alone does not mean a recovery.
I have to raise the bottom as a whole.
We know that the elimination of consumption tax is the most effective measure.
It is better to make the policy so that all people can benefit on a more daily basis.

韓国外相、「現金化」介入せず 従来立場繰り返す 徴用工問題

2020-08-26 19:42:56 | ニュースコメント


A week ago, the speech by Tora-kun, President of the Moon.
"I am ready to face the Japanese government at any time," he called for talks on the concession problem.
Isn't this a government intervention?
The preparations that have already been done, the consultations that have been called, and the monetization.
In the content of this article, the South Korean Foreign Minister commented that “We will continue to discuss with the Japanese side if we are ready.”
Isn't this a government intervention?
Does it mean that you will not intervene in the cashing procedure itself but will intervene in the cashing itself?
If you don't really intervene, there is no need to prepare or consult, and it is the plaintiff who prepares and consults on monetization in the first place, and why does the president and the foreign minister do it?
Isn't it because they are already intervening?
The fact that you are going through each and every one of these things is already intervening.
If you don't intervene, don't put your mouth in it.

일주일 전 광복절, 문재인 대통령의 연설.
"언제든지 일본 정부와 마주 준비하고있다"고 징용 공 문제에 대한 협의를 호소했다.
이것은 정부가 개입 한 것은 안되는 것인지?
이미 수있는 준비인지 뭔지도 호소했다 협의인지 뭔지도 현금화에 대한 것이다.
이 문서의 내용에서도 "준비가 갖추어지면 일본 측과 계속 협의한다 '는 한국 외무 장관의 코멘트.
이것도 정부 개입 한 것은 안되는 것인지?
현금화 절차 자체에는 개입하지 않지만, 현금화 자체에 대해서는 개입한다는 말인가?
정말 개입하지 않는다면, 준비를 할 필요도 협의를 할 필요도없고, 원래 현금화에 대한 준비와 협의를하는 것은 원고이며, 그것을 왜 대통령과 외무 장관이 할?
이미 개입하고 있기 때문이 아닌가?
이렇게 일일이 입을 끼고 오는 것 자체가 이미 개입하고있는 것이다.
개입하지 않는다면 전혀 입이 끼지 않았 으면한다.

「あっ、マグロ」なぜ海水浴場に出没?地元大学生が動画を撮影 漁業関係者も「理由は分からない」

2020-08-26 19:32:09 | ニュースコメント


Tuna is a fish that you must swim for the rest of your life.
You will not sleep completely and will die unless you swim for 24 hours.
The tuna in the image has already closed his mouth and gills, and is about to die.
However, is it possible for ordinary people who do not have a fishing right to catch the fish washed up on such beaches?
Is it considered to be equivalent to fishing a goby on a breakwater?
I hope there is such information for the future.

天橋立に無謀水上バイク、苦情相次ぐ 「閑静な観光地なのに」騒音や波しぶき、漁師も安全性懸念

2020-08-26 19:17:12 | ニュースコメント

さらに、なぜ行政は迷惑を掛ける者の方を考慮し、迷惑を掛けられる者を考慮しないのか? 逆ではないのか?

About a week ago, there was just news that a cruiser sailed near the beach at Yuigahama, came into contact with beach swimmers, and saw dangerous sightings.
Including these things, the penalties and regulations of the land and sea transportation law are too weak.
It is said that if there are not many accidents, it will not be possible to make an ordinance with penalties, but in the first place it is an ordinance to prevent accidents. Clearly, the idea and the actual situation are inconsistent.
Furthermore, why does the administration consider those who cause inconvenience and not those who can cause inconvenience? Isn't it the other way around?
What is it for and what is it for?
If you can't manage it, you can collect millions of fines from the offenders and use them for your administrative costs.
Even for land traffic violations, fines of about 1 million for parking, 10 million for drunk driving, 3 million for smartphone witness, 20 million for tilt driving, and 500,000 for ignoring traffic lights (including pedestrians) are appropriate.

キンコン西野が製作総指揮 『映画 えんとつ町のプペル』クラウドファンディング1億円突破

2020-08-26 19:02:12 | ニュースコメント


I saw Manzai at the Omiya Raccoon Yoshimoto Theater a few years ago, but the most interesting thing was tampering with the god at the beginning of the toilet.
However, no matter what I do, I get the impression that things are not going well.
Manzai, Comte, TV show, M1 and the god of the toilet were all in good condition at the beginning, but after that they became jerky poor and ended up not doing well.
There is something like a negative aura, and on the contrary, it feels like using it as a weapon.
This picture book may also be popular because of its negative aura.
However, if the picture book business does not go well, it will probably withdraw immediately.
And it will be one of the things that didn't work as it always did.
It's probably a good business rule to make a quick cut and make a loss cut, and I think it's dexterous to do anything in the first place. People are impressed by this obsession.
Since Watanabe's case, I no longer have a good impression of those who gave up comedy.

トラック、タクシー…プロ運転手の飲酒事故増加 対策は事業者任せ

2020-08-25 18:45:42 | ニュースコメント


Drunk driving is still good.
You can prove it because you have an alcohol detector.
Perhaps there are more dozing drivers than I realize.
Probably about a second or a few seconds on a comma, the driver falls asleep while driving, fainting,
Such collisions are quite common in rural areas.
Give it a hundred steps and let's say it's still good.
But those drivers don't apologize first.
Wouldn't such a driver have the law of being able to hit?


2020-08-24 10:35:40 | ニュースコメント


It was exactly what Kanemoto was saying yesterday.
As Harimoto said, Darvish won the most this year.



2020-08-23 10:15:55 | ニュースコメント


The prime strength of Prime Minister Abe is his mental strength.
No matter how much the media or people say slander, abuse, abuse, defamation, abuse or abuse, there is no point of concern.
It's a great talent.
Since all this is said, it can't be out of reach of the person himself.
Even if a reporter asks a rude question, he or she can respond calmly and quietly like other people's affairs, and can ignore it without being moved by emotion.
If this is former Prime Minister Aso or former Prime Minister Fukuda, he will just say "It's different from you" and try to do it.
Even the image of Minister Abe sorry, who is apologizing for Dogeza, seems unthinkable.
It's also hard for Korea to do various things to provoke such people.
Perhaps because of this mental strength, it will be the longest record of continuous tenure.


아베 총리의 가장 큰 장점은 그 정신의 힘.
아무리 언론과 국민들로부터 비방 · 욕설 · 비방 · 욕설 폭언을하고도 전혀 뜻이 통하는 곳이 없다.
대단한 재능이다.
이것 만 말해지고 있으니까, 본인의 귀에 닿지 않고 리가 없다.
기자가 무례한 질문을해도 감정을 움직이지 않고 마치 남의 일처럼 냉정하고 담담하게 대응하고, 무시하고있다.
이 아소 전 총리와 후쿠다 전 총리이라고 붙어 "당신과는 다릅니다」발언을하여 やり込めよ려고 해 버린다.
무릎 꿇고 사죄하는 아베 sorry 장관 상 내용조차 뭐라고 생각 없어 보인다.
이런 사람을 도발하려고 여러가지 걸어 온다 한국도 매우이다.
이 정신의 힘이 있어야만 연속 재임 기간 역대 최장 기록 인 것이다.


2020-08-22 23:56:49 | ニュースコメント


M Ste wants to stop talking.
I don't have to sing the lyrics and I can't sing well.
If it's a live band, I want you to play live, because I can fail.
If you just throw out the master disc every time, you don't need to look at it, and you feel lost.
It was good that the old tattoos were messed up, and instead Michelle suddenly performed live.


2020-08-22 06:04:20 | ニュースコメント

逆に、三菱UFJ銀行 は「紙の通帳やめると1000円進呈」との今年1月のニュース。





Conversely, the Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ said, "If you stop using a paper passbook, you will get 1000 yen."
January news.
Probably because of the revenue stamp duty on the passbook.
Paper passbooks, like contracts and receipts, are legally stipulated as taxable documents, and the bank bears a stamp duty of 200 yen per account per year.
As far as Mitsubishi UFJ Bank is concerned, since it has 35 million customers, it seems that it pays about 8 billion yen in tax every year.
However, bankbooks issued by banks are subject to tax, but if they are issued by credit unions, agricultural cooperatives, etc., they are likely to be tax-free, so there should be no additional charges for paper passbooks in the future.