
Mi Diario Español .....My Spanish Journal....

curious seekers

2005-04-20 | about Canada
Apr 13, 2005

Do you drive?
If you do, and of course if you have a Japanese driver's license, you can get a Canadian one without a driving school to be trained or any tests to have to pass.

And if you are planning to drive in Toronto, you have to be very very careful. Torontonian people drive like crazy!! Especially on highways, they are always speeding as if a break pedal meant nothing to them. They drive tail to head at 120 km/h. Doesn't it even cross their mind that if the car in front suddenly make a slow-down or stop? Collision!!! I can't help but think that they driver to die ...
In fact, the rate of the traffic accidents is high here. The police, firefighters and emergency medics seem always busy rushing to the site of an accident. Weekends are like nightmares. I have seen nearly ten accidents within a day before. Five out of the ten happened along the same street!

I am convinced that, behind those traffic accidents, there is a problem of the public transportation. The city of Toronto has the population of about 5 million but it has only one subway line that runs very limited areas in the city. Buses and street cars are networking everywhere but they don't come punctually. It is not reliable when you commute. People prefer a car to those transportation to take. Roads are jammed with cars to commute. Buses are stuck so that people have to wait for a long time. More people choose to commute by car. It is a vicious circle.

What is funny about drivers in Toronto is ... that traffic jam occurs not only because there is an accident that the police blocks the road. On big highways, there are three to four lanes. If an accident blocks one lane, there still be other three. Logically, no traffic jam occurs, right? But it happens! Wanna know why? Because the following drivers slow down to see what is happening!! Many many curious George-s there!

In conclusion, Torontonians are so hasty that they want to get to their destination as fast as possible, kinda risking their own life. But their curiosity beats the hastiness. Heh, heh.




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