I mean it, this time! I am going to write this journal in Spanish EVERY DAY!
The thing is, the other day I finally asked a friend of mine, who is from Argentina, to talk to me in Spanish.
I have been studying Spanish for over 4 years now and I have never had a conversation in Spanish at all. I had been too shy to make grammatical mistakes but I thought it was time to move on.
She willingly accepted my asking and immediately started to talk in "Castillano". I was so overwhelmed.... She spoke way too fast that I hardly understood what she said... I had thought I could do better but in reality what I could say were only, "Si," "No," and a couple more. It felt like all the spanish words I remembered were gone. I was totally blank...
So in order to train my output skills like speaking and writing, I will restart my journal here. This time, Spanish!
The following is written in Spanish... Please do not criticize too hard~~~~~
28 octubre 2015
Anteayer me dio muchos caquis mi tia. Hay 127. Yo les pelé y colgué para secar. los caquis contienen el tannin así que no puedes comer crudos. Secarles hace comestible. Espero que se convirtieren ¡muy ricos!
pelar ... to peel, to get a haircut
colgar(irr) ... to hang
secar ... to dry
contener(irr) ... to contain
crudo(adj) ... raw
comestible(adj) ... edible