Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

Large brown Cicada

2005-04-11 19:25:52 | Insects
Large brown Cicada has a broad head and brownish membranous wing.
They are one of insects on the family Cicadiae.
This insect needs six years for changing to an imago from its egg.
Whenever I hear its song and look its sight in summer I remember boyhood with nostalgia.
This picture was drawing with a pencil and very pale brown watercolor.
(from my memories note)


1 コメント

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Good evening !! (ya421)
2005-07-26 22:31:41
Your drawing of these cicadas are wonderful.

They are very precise.

You are very talented, aren't you?
