

大国間競争時代に再発見された古代の地政学定理 / Ancient geopolitics law rediscovered in "big-power competition" times

2021-07-25 | 日記
( 英語が苦手な場合は、オンラインの機械翻訳を使用してください)First off, the strategy master reformulate a geopolitics theorem in modern language, the theorem dates back to roughly the same time as Thucydides trap conjecture(~2300 . . . Read more

Data from Bank of Japan shows Japan is in huge disadvantage in global competition relative to US

2021-04-11 | 日記
Japan's foreign trade and international investment data from the Bank of Japan reveals serious issues, 1, huge overseas asset has not brought in much benefit for Japan as it should. 2, high risk due to trusting huge national wealth to foreign countries. In contrast, the U.S. has great advantages in the utilization of other countries' goods and services relative to Japan and other countries. This advantage is obtained by abusing US$'s global currency status, and is a blood-sucking from world economy. Even countries who are not sucked themselves but can't suck as US can, such as Japan, are disadvantaged. As US speeds up the dollar printing, it is actually turning up the heat on the world, a boiled frog in warm water. This advantage forms a positive feedback loop and is self-amplifying, and will lead to more and more unbalanced world development, which in turn will pose a major global threat. The world must deal with this abusing with a sense of urgency. . . . Read more


2020-11-15 | 日記
Trumpは、彼が緊急にIndiaからの投票を必要としている間、Indiaは、彼の選挙演説で汚れて不潔であると述べました。彼はおそらく、彼らの上に勝つために彼の過去の努力を台無しにしました。 この発言は、世界中でかなりの騒ぎを引き起こしました。 彼はRussiaと中国に同じことを言ったが、彼らは単に彼を無視した。 グローバル周りのIndiaの人々は、すべての怒っています。 Indiaは、多くの人 . . . Read more