



(Bangkok, January 16, 2025) – The government of President Anura Kumara Dissanayake, which took office on September 23, 2024, has promised to address longstanding human rights issues that have plunged Sri Lanka into repeated crises, Human Rights Watch said in its World Report 2025. Dissanayake has pledged to introduce more equitable economic policies and to repeal the notoriously abusive Prevention of Terrorism Act, but he has not backed accountability for widespread rights violations during Sri Lanka’s 1983-2009 civil war between the government and the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

(バンコク、2025年1月16日) 2024年11月23日に就任したアヌラ・クマラ・ディサナヤカ大統領の政府は、スリランカを繰返し危機に陥れた長年の人権問題に対処する旨約束した、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は世界人権年鑑2025内で本日述べた。ディサナヤカはより平等な経済政策を導入すると共に、人権侵害を起こし易いことで悪名高いテロ防止法を廃止すると誓ったが、政府と分離独立派タミル・イーラム・解放のトラ(以下LTTE)が1983年から2009年に掛けて戦った内戦の際、広範に行われた人権侵害への説明責任の追及に対しては支持しなかった。

For the 546-page world report, in its 35th edition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In much of the world, Executive Director Tirana Hassan writes in her introductory essay, governments cracked down and wrongfully arrested and imprisoned political opponents, activists, and journalists. Armed groups and government forces unlawfully killed civilians, drove many from their homes, and blocked access to humanitarian aid. In many of the more than 70 national elections in 2024, authoritarian leaders gained ground with their discriminatory rhetoric and policies.


“Sri Lanka’s multiple crises are connected by entrenched impunity for rights violations, discrimination against minority communities, and laws and institutions that seek to silence critics,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “President Dissanayake has an opportunity to make real progress on rights if he carries out his campaign pledges, but he also needs to address the legacy of past conflicts and continuing abuses against Tamils, Muslims, and others on which he has been troublingly silent.”


  • While an International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout helped stem the immediate crisis after the Sri Lankan government defaulted on its foreign debt in 2022, the United Nations estimated that a quarter of households were suffering food insecurity in 2024.
  • スリランカ政府が2022年の対外債務不履行に陥った後、国際通貨基金(以下IMF)の救済措置が当面の危機を食い止めるのに役立ったのだが、国連は世帯の1/4が2024年中に食料不安に苦しんでいると推定した。
  • Policies pursued by the outgoing administration of President Ramil Wickremesinghe under the IMF program shifted the burden of recovery largely onto people with low incomes. The Dissanayake government has pledged to combat corruption and create more equitable economic policies.
  • IMFプログラムのもとで退陣したラニル・ウィクラマシンハ政権によって追及された政策は、危機から復活する負担を低所得者に転化した。ディサナヤカ大統領政権は、汚職と戦い、より平等な経済政策を作ると約束した。
  • Police and other security agencies harassed and threatened activists and human rights defenders with impunity during 2024, particularly in predominantly Tamil areas in the north and east, including undue restrictions and interference in the financing of civil society organizations.
  • 警察他の治安機関は2024年中、とりわけ北部と東部のタミル人が多くを占める地域で活動家と人権擁護者に、市民社会団体への融資に対する不当な制約と干渉など、嫌がらせと脅迫を不処罰のまま行った。
  • In May, the UN human rights office issued a report calling for the international community to undertake prosecutions and other accountability measures to address thousands of unresolved cases of enforced disappearance that occurred over decades during the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) uprisings, and the LTTE armed conflict. The UN Human Rights Council has extended a mandate to monitor human rights violations and collect evidence of crimes during the civil war.
  • 2024年5月に国連人権高等弁務官事務所は、人民解放戦線(JVP=ジャナタ・ヴィムクティ・ペラムナ)による蜂起時、及びLTTEとの武装紛争時の数十年に渡って起きた、数千件に及ぶ未解決の強制失踪事件に対処する、訴追などの説明責任を追及する措置を講じるよう、国際社会に求める報告書を出した。国連人権理事会は、内戦中の人権侵害を監視すると共に、犯罪の証拠を集める人権高等弁務官事務所のマンデートを延長した。

President Dissanayake should begin to address Sri Lanka’s many human rights problems by fulfilling and building upon the pledges he made during his party’s election campaigns.


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