
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ インドネシア:2010年中に家事労働者の諸権利を保証せよ



(New York, February 13, 2010) – The Indonesian government should adopt stronger legal protections for domestic workers in 2010 to address longstanding patterns of labor exploitation and abuse, Human Rights Watch, Jala PRT, Rumpun Gema Perempuan, Migrant Care, and Serikat PRT Tunas Mulia said today in anticipation of Indonesia’s Domestic Workers Day on February 14, 2010. Indonesian domestic workers both at home and abroad are often denied the protection of regular labor laws and endure excessively long working hours with no days off, unpaid wages, and physical or sexual abuse.

(ニューヨーク、2010年2月13日)-インドネシア政府は2010年中に長く繰り返される労働者への搾取と虐待に対処するため、一層強い法律の保護を導入しなければならない、と2010年2月14日のインドネシア家事労働者の日に当て、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ、ジャラPRT(Jala PRT),ラムプン・ゲマ・ペレムプアン(Rumpun Gema Perempuan)、ミグラントケア(Migrant Care)、セリカトPRTチュナス・ムリア(Serikat PRT Tunas Mulia)の5団体は述べた。インドネシア人家事労働者は国内外で、通常の労働法の保護を受けられないまま、休暇もない過度の長時間労働や未払い賃金、身体的若しくは性的な虐待を耐え忍んでいる。

 “Domestic workers work just as hard, if not harder, than many workers in the so-called formal sector,” said Lita Anggraini, coordinator of Jala PRT. “It’s a simple matter of equality that they are entitled to the same rights, protections, and benefits as other workers.”

「家事労働者は正規と呼ばれる分野の多くの労働者以上ではないにしても、同等の厳しい労働を行なっている。」とリタ・アングレイニ(Lita Anggraini)、ジャラPRTコーディネーターは語った。「これは家事労働者が他の労働者と同じ権利、保護、援助を与えられる、という単純な平等の問題である。」

The Indonesian government has important opportunities to improve legal protections in 2010, the groups said. A proposed comprehensive national domestic worker law is being drafted for parliamentary consideration this year. The government also is in ongoing negotiations with Malaysia and Kuwait, where many Indonesians work, to develop Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) on migrant domestic workers. Indonesia is planning to participate in efforts to negotiate new international standards for domestic work at the International Labour Organization (ILO).


An ILO study in 2003 found that approximately 2.6 million people were employed as domestic workers across Indonesia, including almost 700,000 children. More than a million Indonesian women and girls are employed as domestic workers in the Middle East and Asia, with large numbers in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Malaysia, and Singapore. Human Rights Watch has extensively documented the inadequate government response to the range of human rights abuses these workers often experience. See: “Workers in the Shadows” and “As if I Am Not Human.”


In December 2009, Indonesia’s Legislation Council (Baden Legislatif; BALEG) agreed to place the drafting and passage of a new national Domestic Worker Law on parliament’s agenda for 2010. This law presents an opportunity to correct the discrimination in Indonesia’s current labor laws, under which “formal workers” are entitled to a minimum wage, overtime pay, an eight-hour workday and 40-hour work week, a weekly day of rest, and vacation, but domestic workers are not.  The current exclusion of all domestic workers from basic labor protections has a discriminatory impact on women and girls, who constitute the vast majority of domestic workers, the groups said. The new legislation should also ensure adequate protections for the hundreds of thousands of children, ages 15 to 17, who are domestic workers. 

2009年12月インドネシア法律制定評議会(Baden Legislatif; BALEG) は、2010年の国会議題に新しい国民家事労働法を起草し導入することに合意した。この法律はインドネシアの現行労働法における差別を是正するチャンスである。現行労働法の下で、「正規労働者」は最低賃金、時間外手当、1日8時間労働、1週40時間労働、週休1日、休暇の権利を与えられているが、家事労働者には認められていない。労働者を基本的に保護する対象から全家事労働者を除外する現行法は、家事労働者の大多数を占めている女性と少女に対して差別的影響をもたらしている、と5団体は述べた。新法は家事労働者として雇われている15歳から17歳までの数十万人の子どもたちに、適切な保護を保証しなければならない。

“Some employers choose to hire a girl rather than an adult because they want someone who will work for less money and who will be easier to boss around,” said Bede Sheppard, Asia researcher in the children’s rights division at Human Rights Watch. “Since these same factors, in combination with isolation in private homes, make a worker more vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, these girls need extra protections.”


These protections should include guarantees of decent food and housing, and time for additional schooling or vocational training, Human Rights Watch said.


The new law should also ensure strict enforcement of the minimum age of 15 for employment for domestic work, the groups said. It should require employers and labor agents who recruit and place domestic workers to verify the age of prospective domestic workers by reviewing and maintaining copies of the employees’ birth certificates or junior high school graduation certificates.


In June 2009, Indonesia suspended new migration of domestic workers to Malaysia in response to a series of high-profile abuse cases and poor government response. Following similar reports in September 2009, Indonesia also halted migration for domestic work to Kuwait. Indonesia is now negotiating MOUs with both countries on migrant domestic workers to improve protections before lifting the moratorium.


The negotiations with Malaysia are in the final stages, and the MOU is expected to include the right to one day off a week and the right for domestic workers to retain their passports, allowing them freedom to leave their positions if they choose. A minimum wage is still being discussed.


“The agreed-on protections are an important step forward, but not nearly enough to prevent the abuse and exploitation Indonesian women face while working abroad,” said Anis Hidayah, the executive director of Migrant Care. “Any new MOU should address other key labor protections such as overtime pay, the right to form associations, and limits to working hours and recruitment fees. It should also establish clear penalties and enforcement mechanisms.”

「合意に基づく保護は重要な前進であるが、海外で働くインドネシア女性が直面している搾取や人権侵害を防止するにはおよそ十分なものではない。」とアニス・ヒダヤー(Anis Hidayah)、ミグラントケア事務局長は語った。「新しい覚書は、時間外手当、結社の権利、労働時間制限、就職あっせん手数料などの、他の主要な労働者保護に対処するべきである。」

These negotiations also provide a forum to coordinate regulation and oversight over the transnational recruitment process, as well as prosecution of abusers across national borders. Currently, Indonesian domestic workers in Malaysia typically forego their first six months of pay to repay recruitment fees, and many who suffer abuse often are repatriated before having a chance to report abuse.


In June 2010, Indonesia will participate in a global conference along with other members of the ILO to discuss new international standards for providing decent working conditions for domestic workers. Through this process, Indonesia can secure protections for all Indonesian domestic workers around the globe, by advocating for a strong binding treaty that extends equal rights to domestic workers.


“The Indonesian government has lost credibility by initially signaling it does not support a binding treaty, and by not taking quick and decisive action at home,” Sheppard said. “Indonesia should take stronger leadership in 2010 to regain its credibility and work quickly to support legal protections for domestic workers at home and abroad.”


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