
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イラク:ヤジディー教徒が結婚や改宗を強制されている




(Dohuk, Iraq October 12, 2014) - The armed group Islamic State is holding hundreds of Yezidi men, women, and children from Iraq captive in formal and makeshift detention facilities in Iraq and Syria.


The group has systematically separated young women and teenage girls from their families and has forced some of them to marry its fighters, according to dozens of relatives of the detainees, 16 Yezidis who escaped Islamic State detention, and two detained women interviewed by phone. They said the group has also taken away boys and forced captives to convert to Islam.


“The Islamic State’s litany of horrific crimes against the Yezidis in Iraq only keeps growing,” said Fred Abrahams, special adviser at Human Rights Watch. “We heard shocking stories of forced religious conversions, forced marriage, and even sexual assault and slavery – and some of the victims were children.”


None of the former or current female detainees interviewed by Human Rights Watch said they had been raped, though four of them said that they had fought off violent sexual attacks and that other detained women and girls told them that Islamic State fighters had raped them. One woman said she saw Islamic State fighters buying girls, and a teenage girl said a fighter bought her for US$1,000.


The systematic abduction and abuse of Yezidi civilians may amount to crimes against humanity, Human Rights Watch said.


Interviewees said Islamic State fighters captured the Yezidis, members of a religious minority, during the group’s offensive in northwest Iraq on August 3, 2014. In the first days, the group held the men, women, and children together. Islamic State then separated its captives into three categories: older women and mothers with younger children, in some cases with older men or husbands; women in their early 20s and adolescent girls; and younger men and older boys.


Islamic State has also detained at least several dozen civilians from other religious and ethnic minorities, including Christians and Shia Shabaks and Turkmen, representatives of those groups and relatives of detainees said.


The precise number of people being held is unknown because of ongoing fighting in Iraq and because the vast majority of Yezidis, Christians, and Shia Shabaks and Turkmen fled to various areas across Iraq and neighboring countries when the group seized members of their communities. Dozens of captives have escaped but remain in hiding, Yezidi activists said.


In September and early October, Human Rights Watch interviewed 76 displaced Yezidis in the cities of Duhok, Zakho, and Erbil and surrounding areas in Iraqi Kurdistan. They reported that Islamic State was holding a total of 366 of their family members. The interviewees showed Human Rights Watch lists, identity cards, or photographs of relatives they said were imprisoned, or gave their names and other details. Many said they had sporadic phone contact with the prisoners, who had hidden their phones.


The two current detainees reached by phone, both women, and the 16 escapees – two men, seven women, and seven girls – said they had seen hundreds of other Yezidis in detention. Some said the number was more than 1,000.


One witness, Naveen, said she escaped in early September with her four children, ages 3, 4, 6, and 10, after a month in captivity. She said she saw Islamic State fighters taking Yezidi women and girls as “brides” from two buildings where she had been held – Badoush Prison near Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, and a school in Tal Afar, a city to the west. Some fighters gave the women gold as a mahr, a dowry from a husband:


I saw them take all of them, about 10 young women and girls [on different days]. Some were as young as 12 or 13, and up to age 20. Some they had to pull away with force. Some of the young women were married but without children, so they [Islamic State] didn’t believe they were married.


Days later, Naveen said, the captors allowed the newly married women and girls to return to the prison briefly:


They said, “They married us; we had no choice.” They had gold they said they were given. Then they [the Islamic State] took them away again and they were crying.


One 17-year-old girl, Adlee, said a “big bearded man” had picked her from a group of young female detainees in Mosul and taken her and another captured girl to Fallujah in Anbar province:


I was cowering in a woman’s lap. She spoke to me as if I were her daughter, telling me, “Don’t be scared; I won’t let them take you.” But the man looked at me and said, “You are mine,” and he quickly took me to his big military vehicle.


The fighter took the two girls to a house in Fallujah, west of Baghdad, she said. “They were hitting us and slapping us to make us surrender,” she said. After two days there, the two girls managed to escape. “As much as we could, we didn’t let them touch our bodies,” she said. “Everything they did, they did by force.”


A 15-year-old girl, Rewshe, who escaped on September 7, told Human Rights Watch that in late August, after she had been held for about three weeks, Islamic State forces transported her in a convoy of four buses to Raqqa, Syria, with her sister and about 200 other young women and girls, and detained them in a large house in the southern part of the city. The following day, a group of armed men came and took away 20 of the captives. Rewshe said the guards told her that the men had bought the women and girls.


The next day, Rewshe said, an Islamic State leader whom others called “emir” (commander) sold her and her 14-year-old sister to a Palestinian fighter with Islamic State. Rewshe said she did not see the exchange of money but the fighter told her with pride that he had bought her for US $1,000. The fighter sold Rewshe’s sister that night to another fighter, Rewshe said, and took Rewshe to an apartment on the outskirts of Raqqa. There she said she fended off the man’s sexual attack and escaped through an unlocked door while he slept.


The statements of current and former female detainees raise serious concerns about rape and sexual slavery by Islamic State fighters, though the extent of these abuses remains unclear, Human Rights Watch said.


The stigma surrounding rape in the Yezidi community and the fear of reprisal against women and girls who disclose sexual violence could in part explain the low number of first-hand reports, Yezidi activists said. Even acknowledging capture by Islamic State can put women and girls in danger, they said. Scarce services for displaced Yezidis who have undergone trauma, including sexual assault, also may limit options for women and girls to report sexual violence, as well as their willingness to do so.


Islamic State fighters also took boys from their families, apparently for religious or military training, three escapees and a Yezidi human rights activist interviewing escapees said. One 28-year-old man who escaped, Khider, said he watched his captors separate 14 boys ages 8 to 12 at a military base Islamic State had seized in Sinjar:


The older brothers of those boys became so scared. They asked, “Where are you taking them?” They [Islamic State fighters] said, “Don’t worry, we will feed and take care of them. We will take them to a base to teach the Quran, how to fight, and how to be jihadis.”

「少年の兄たちは、とても怖がり、“何処に連れて行くの?”って兄たちが尋ねると、ヤツラ[イスラム国戦闘員] は、“心配するな、お前らに飯を食わせて、面倒を見てやる。コーランや戦い方、どうやって聖戦士になるのかを教えるため、基地に連れて行く”って言いました」

Khider said the fighters forced him and other captives to convert to Islam, including in a mass ceremony in which he participated with more than 200 Yezidi men, women, and children whom the group had driven to Syria:


They made us recite the shahada [Islamic creed] three times. … Even the little children had to recite it, anyone who was old enough to speak. . … The Yezidi people were crying and scared. They asked us, “Is there anyone who does not want to convert to Islam?” Of course we all kept silent, because if anybody refused, he or she would be killed.


Human Rights Watch is withholding or changing the names of all interviewed captives, former captives and their relatives, and withholding the locations of most interviews and places of detention, for their protection.


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