
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ オリンピック:IOC新会長バッハは人権保護を課題とすべし



(New York, September 10, 2013) – The election of Thomas Bach as the new International Olympic Committee (IOC) president should open a new day in the enforcement of human rights principles enshrined in the Olympic Charter, Human Rights Watch said today.


Bach succeeds Jacques Rogge, whose 12-year tenure as IOC president was marred by human rights abuses linked to the Olympics in host countries including Russia and China, which flouted requirements for non-discrimination and press freedom.


“The serious – and preventable – human rights violations during the 2008 Beijing Games and the ongoing abuses in Russia ahead of the 2014 Sochi Games highlight the need for an IOC leader with the vision to put human rights reforms in place and the will to enforce them,” said Minky Worden, director of global initiatives at Human Rights Watch.


The abuses documented ahead of both the Beijing and Sochi Games include the exploitation of migrant workers engaged in Olympic construction, forced evictions of families without fair compensation, a media crackdown, and pressure on civil society activists critical of the government.


Russia’s June 2013 anti-gay law blatantly violates the Olympic principle of non-discrimination and curtails the rights of athletes, sponsors, journalists, and spectators, as well as other Russian citizens and foreign visitors to free expression and equal treatment, Human Rights Watch said.


The IOC has refused to press Russia to repeal the law. It has only sought and received “assurances” from the Russian authorities that Sochi Games participants would not face discrimination. At the same time, the Russian authorities have stated repeatedly that the discriminatory law will be applied to anyone in Russia, including Olympic visitors.


“When athletes break the rules in Olympic competitions, they are harshly sanctioned,” Worden said. “When host countries flout the rules, the IOC should speak up, rather than declaring itself helpless to take action.”


Bach, in his new role as IOC president, should adopt a principled approach to upholding the Olympic Charter, Human Rights Watch said. This should include establishing an IOC standing committee to monitor human rights, such as the one outlined in a 2009 Human Rights Watch proposal. The IOC should also ensure that future host countries have to meet benchmarks for compliance with human rights principles and the Olympic Charter, as they already do for the quality of ski jumps or swimming pools.


“In Olympic sporting events – or even after-school soccer – the governing principle is that everyone has to play by the rules,” Worden said.  “When China and Russia broke the rules under Rogge’s watch, there was no sanction, setting up a dangerous double standard for host countries. Bach has an opportunity to set his stamp on the IOC presidency by making it clear that countries who win the right to host the Olympics should meet its high standards.” 


Human Rights Watch called on the IOC and President Bach to defend three basic principles featured in the Olympic Charter:


  • The principle of human dignity, a key component of the Second Fundamental Principle of Olympism (“The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity”). The selection of future host countries should involve a complete and meaningful evaluation of governments’ commitment to respect human rights in compliance with this principle and international human rights norms, for example through the establishment of a new IOC human rights mechanism outlined by Human Rights Watch at the 2009 Copenhagen Congress;
  •  人間の尊厳。これはオリンピズムの根本原則2の主要構成要素(「オリンピズムの目標は、スポーツを人類の調和のとれた発達に役立てることにあり、その目的は、人間の尊厳保持に重きを置く、平和な社会を推進することにある」)である。将来の開催国選定には、この原則と国際的な人権保護規範に沿って人権を尊重しているかどうか、例えばヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが2009年コペンハーゲンIOC総会に対し概要を示した、IOC内に新たな人権保護機関を設立することを通して、政府の姿勢を徹底的かつ有意義に評価する過程を取り入れるべきだ。
  • The principle of non-discrimination, as clearly defined by the Sixth Fundamental Principle of Olympism (“Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement”). The IOC should ensure that all athletes, including women and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) athletes, from all participating nations, can compete in the Olympics. In this spirit, the IOC, under Bach’s leadership, should call on Russia to repeal its anti-LGBT legislation and refrain from adopting any other discriminatory laws and policies that violate the Olympic Charter and international human rights standards; and
  •  差別禁止の原則。これはオリンピズムの根本原則6(「人種、宗教、政治、性別、その他の理由に基づく国や個人に対する差別はいかなる形であれオリンピック・ムーブメントに属する事とは相容れない」)によって明確に規定されている。全参加国の女性やレズビアン・ゲイ・バイセクシャル・トランスジェンダー(以下LGBT)である選手が、オリンピックで競技できるよう、IOCは保証しなければならない。その精神に基づき、バッハの指導の下でIOCはロシアに、反LGBT法を破棄するよう、オリンピック憲章と国際人権保護基準に違反する他の差別的法律や政策を導入・採用することを控えるよう、求めなければならない。
  • The principle of media freedom, as set forth in Rule 48 of the Olympic Charter (“The IOC takes all necessary steps in order to ensure the fullest coverage by the different media and the widest possible audience in the world for the Olympic Games”). The IOC should require all current and future host countries to allow both domestic and foreign journalists to report freely, including on rights abuses occurring in the context of the Olympics – in the run-up to, during, and after the Games.
  •  メディアの自由の原則。これはオリンピック憲章規則48(「さまざまな種類のメディアによって最大限報道され、オリンピック競技大会の読者や視聴者を世界中でできる限り多く確保するために、IOC は必要なあらゆる手段をとる」)に明記されている。IOCは現在及び将来の開催国に、国内及び外国のジャーナリストが、大会前、期間中、その後におけるオリンピックに関連して起きている人権侵害事件を含む様々な事象について、自由に報道できるよう義務付けなければならない。

“Jacques Rogge repeatedly said during his tenure at the helm of the IOC that the Olympics are a ‘force for good,’” Worden said. “His successor, Thomas Bach, by focusing on the human rights implications of both Summer and Winter Games, can transform these lofty words into reality.”


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