
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ロシア:チェチェン問題のイングーシェチアへの流出





The tiny north Caucasus republic of Ingushetia used to be so serene, especially compared with neighbouring Chechnya. The border between Chechnya and Ingushetia was like a dividing line between war and peace. You would cross from war to peace and exhale, "Now, I'll be safe."

“いつそれが全部変わったのか?” イングーシェチアにチェチェンからゆっくりと染み出してくる人権侵害と共に、それは徐々に始まった。最初は、2002年、チェチェン反乱軍を追跡するロシア軍と治安維持軍の兵士たちが、チェチェン人避難民に対する拉致を始めた。次は、2003年、イングーシェ人が幾人か誘拐され、多くが痕跡を残さないまま失踪した。

When did it all change? It started gradually with abuses slowly seeping out of Chechnya into Ingushetia. First, in 2002, began the abductions of Chechen refugees by Russian military and security servicemen who were hunting for Chechen rebels. Then, in 2003, a few Ingush were kidnapped. Some disappeared without a trace.  
The turning point was in June 2004, when a group of insurgents led by the infamous Chechen rebel commander Shamil Basayev stormed two towns in Ingushetia. The official total of casualties resulting from Basayev's raid was 98 killed and 104 wounded, including law enforcement and security personnel, officials and civilians.  

For a small republic like Ingushetia, such losses were staggering. In the wake of the raid, people rallied around the government and broadly welcomed counter-terrorism operations. Now, four years later, things have changed so much that is hard to recall. That's largely because, as Human Rights Watch has documented in a new report, those operations turned out to be "Chechnya-style."  
Young men suspected of involvement with insurgency were hauled off by security services and tortured into incriminating themselves and others. Those who they named when the beatings and the electric shocks became unbearable were also rounded up and tortured.  
2004年9月の北オセチア・ベスランの町にある学校での人質を取って立てこもった残虐行為事件 の後、これらの“汚い戦争”戦略は、隣国のイングーシェチアで、より広範囲に及ぶことにさえなった。拷問されたものの釈放された“幸運”な者は、ー失踪若しくは欠陥のある裁判で有罪判決を受けた者とは反対にー普通の生活が終わったことを知った。彼らは“平凡な容疑者”のデータ・ベースに既に登録されていて、イングーシェチアから逃げるか、さらなる拘留と拷問の覚悟をしなければならないか、若しくは、より良い選択に恵まれず反乱軍に参加するしかなかったのである。イングーシェ人反乱軍兵士がイスラム教的政策を発展させるに伴って、当局は又、厳格に教を守る若いイスラム教徒へ反乱軍兵士になる可能性のある者というレッテルを貼った。

After the hostage-taking atrocity at a school in the North Ossetian town of Beslan in September 2004, these "dirty war" tactics became even more widespread in neighbouring Ingushetia. The "lucky" ones who were tortured but released – as opposed to disappeared or convicted in flawed trials – knew that normal life was over. They were already in the database of the "usual suspects" and would either have to flee Ingushetia, be ready for further detention and torture, or join the rebels for the lack of a better choice. As the Ingush insurgents developed a militant Islamist agenda, the authorities also tagged as a potential insurgent any strictly observant young Muslim.  
Ingush villages suffered sweeps and targeted raids. Here is how a man from Ali-Yurt described a counter-terrorism raid in his village in July 2007:  
「治安維持軍の兵士が足で蹴り、サブマシンガンの台尻で殴り、・・・ 大声でどなった、‘なんで兵隊を殺したんだ?’。「やってない」と答えようとしたけれど、奴らは‘ダマレ!この野郎!’と叫ぶだけで、また殴った・・・・・やっとのこと出て行って、妻(妊娠中)が床に倒れているのを見つけた・・・彼女の顔は血だらけだった。」
Those servicemen beat me with their feet and the butts of their submachine guns … They yelled, 'Why did you kill that soldier?' I tried to say I didn't do it. They just screamed, 'Shut up, you son of a bitch!' and hit me again … When they finally left, I saw my [pregnant] wife was lying on the floor … Her face was covered with blood.  
Soon after, insurgent attacks became bolder and more frequent. And law-enforcement and security agencies responded with yet more abuse. Some youths suspected of insurgency were shot dead on the spot.  
イスラム・ ベロキエフ(20歳)は、沢山の人で賑わう自動車市場の中である夏の午後、撃たれた。地面に倒れこんだが未だ生きていた。人々が助けに走ったが、ベロキエフを取り囲み、ベロキエフが出血でゆっくりと死んでいくのを見ている、武装治安維持要員に阻まれた。後に当局はベロキエフが反政府反乱軍の戦士だったと発表した。

Twenty-year-old Islam Belokiev was shot one summer afternoon in a busy car market. He fell to the ground but was still alive. People rushed to his aid, but were blocked by armed security servicemen who surrounded Belokiev and watched him slowly bleed to death. Later, the authorities claimed that Belokiev was a rebel fighter.  

The youngest victim of such a killing, though, could not be branded an insurgent – Rakhim Amriev was only six years old. Security services erroneously suspected that a terrorist was hiding in his parents' home. They stormed the house at dawn and opened fire without warning. It's been nearly seven months since little Rakhim was killed, but the authorities still have not held those who killed him to account.  
The child's killing wreaked havoc in Ingushetia. A group of activists and victims' families planned a protest rally. The authorities threatened the organisers, banned the rally and violently dispersed those who dared to show up for it. Two months later, they banned the next opposition rally, claiming there was a "terrorist threat".  
To silence media coverage of public protests, the Ingush authorities variously detained, kidnapped, expelled, beat and issued death threats against 16 journalists and human rights defenders. Having shut down free speech, the authorities give those grieving for their loved ones and seeking a way to express discontent nowhere to turn.  
All of these tactics have served only to alienate and even radicalise communities. After four years of counter-terrorism in Ingushetia, the insurgency has only intensified. Those people who once supported the government's counter-terrorism agenda now see the government as the enemy.  
 It didn't have to be this way. And Russia's European partners can help the people of Ingushetia, and the wider region, by using their influence with Moscow to change this policy. Russia can still end impunity for killings, disappearances and torture in Ingushetia. It can work to regain the trust of Ingush communities and starve the insurgency of potential supporters. It can stop Ingushetia from becoming the full-blown human rights crisis that is synonymous with Chechnya.  

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