
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ナイジェリア:空爆で殺害された民間人に法の正義が届いていない



The Nigerian authorities have provided little information and no justice for a military airstrike on January 24, 2023, that killed 39 civilians and injured at least 6 others.


  • The military’s unacceptable delay in owning up to the killing and injuring dozens of civilians only compounds the tragedy of this attack.
  • 民間人数十人を死傷させたことを認めるまでの軍による受け入れられない遅滞は、その攻撃による悲劇を悪化させるだけだ。
  • The Nigerian military should provide full accountability for their actions and financial compensation and livelihood assistance based on the needs of the victims and their families.
  • ナイジェリア軍は、自らの行動に対しする説明責任を完全に果たすと共に、被害者とその家族の必要に応じた金銭的補償及び生活扶助を提供しなければならない。

(Abuja, June 6, 2023) – The Nigerian authorities have provided little information and no justice for a military airstrike on January 24, 2023 that killed 39 civilians and injured at least 6 others, Human Rights Watch said today. The government should ensure an urgent, independent, impartial, and transparent inquiry into the attack that took place in Kwatiri, a small settlement in Nasarawa State.

(アブジャ、2023年6月6日) 2023年1月24日に民間人39人を殺害し、少なくとも6人を負傷させた軍の空爆について、ナイジェリア当局は情報を殆ど提供しておらず、法の正義にいたっては全く実現していない、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は述べた。ナサラワ州の小さな集落クワティリで起きた攻撃に対して、政府は大至急、独立し公平で透明性を確保した調査を行うべきだ。

Almost six months after the incident, the Nigerian air force admitted for the first time, in response to an inquiry from Human Rights Watch, to carrying out the airstrike. It said it was an air component of Operation Whirl Stroke, a joint military, police, and department of state security operation deployed in response to security problems in and around Nasarawa State. The air force claimed it carried out the airstrike in response to “suspected terrorist” activities but provided no details.


“The military’s unacceptable delay in owning up to the killing and injuring dozens of civilians only compounds the tragedy of this shocking attack,” said Anietie Ewang, Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The Nigerian military should provide full accountability for their actions as well as financial compensation and livelihood assistance commensurate with the needs of the victims and their families.”


Since 2017, over 300 people are reported to have been killed by airstrikes that the Nigerian air force claimed were intended for bandits or members of the Islamist armed group Boko Haram, but instead hit civilians.


On January 25, Nasarawa State Governor Abdullahi Sule told Nigerian media that the airstrike, which hit a group of cattle herders in the settlement in Doma Local Government Area of the state, had been carried out by an unidentified drone.


Between March 13 and 15, Human Rights Watch interviewed 12 people, including two survivors of the airstrike and seven family members of victims who were killed. Human Rights Watch also reviewed and verified eight photographs showing some of the bodies and on March 14 visited a mass grave where 31 bodies were buried.


The photos showed about 17 bodies with deep perforating injuries and ghastly wounds. Human Rights Watch investigations, including interviews with victims who survived and family members of some of the deceased, revealed they were cattle herders and found no evidence that the targets of the airstrike had any link to bandit gangs or other armed groups.


On May 3, Human Rights Watch wrote to the Nigerian chief of air staff, who oversees the air force, which carries out military air operations, and the chief of defense staff, who oversees all military units including the air force, to provide details of its findings and to request answers to specific questions about the airstrike.


In a response on May 17, Air Commodore D. D. Pwajok, on behalf of the chief of air staff, acknowledged that the air force carried out the strike based “on credible intelligence and in synergy with other security forces and agencies in Nasarawa State.” The letter said that air force surveillance footage showed the movement of “suspected terrorists” who converged around “a truck suspected to be a logistics vehicle,” which arrived at the location at night and was determined to be a target for the airstrike.

5月17日の返答で空軍参謀総長代理D. D.プワジョク少将は、「信頼に足る情報と他の治安部隊及びナサラワ州諸機関との相乗効果」に基づき、空爆を実行したのは空軍だったことを認めた。空軍の監視映像には、夜間に現場に到着し、空爆の標的であると決断された、「運搬車両と疑われるトラック1台」の周辺に近づく、「テロリストと疑われる者」の動きが映っていた、と回答文書は主張していた。

The letter did not respond to key questions, including how information regarding the suspected threat was considered and verified, whether efforts were made to investigate and verify the identity of those targeted, or if any assessment was carried out before the airstrike to avoid or mitigate civilian harm. The absence of details raises the question of whether the air force carried out the airstrike based on mere suspicion. The letter concluded that the Nigerian air force is committed to upholding human rights and is open to further deliberations on the issue.


Those interviewed said that about two weeks before the incident, officers of the Benue State Livestock Guards, who enforce the Benue State Anti-Open Grazing Law, seized over 1,000 cows from nomadic herders who were grazing cattle in Naka, Benue State, close to the Nasarawa State border. The law prohibits the movement of livestock on foot within the state. The herders were fined 27 million naira (about US$58,000) after the livestock guards accused them of crossing into Benue State, in contravention of the law.


Three of the herders said that after they paid the fine, the livestock guards instructed the herders to move the cows by truck back to Nasarawa State to the area where the airstrike took place. The first truck arrived in Kwatiri on January 24 around 7 p.m., shortly before the airstrike.


Two men from the community of cattle herders hit by the airstrike said that they rushed to the scene shortly after the explosion and found several bloodied bodies on the ground, but they had to leave quickly fearing more explosions. They returned the following morning to a devastating scene, where they counted 39 dead bodies scattered around and found 6 people with deep flesh and bone wounds.The herders said they believe the airstrike intentionally targeted them in reprisal for grazing in Benue. They contended that state authorities are hostile to Fulani herders, whom they call bandits and see as the instigators of a farmer-herder conflict in the area. A January 26 Nigerian news report suggested that the airstrike was an erroneous military bombardment intended to neutralize bandits based on intelligence provided by security operatives in Benue State that turned out to be incorrect.


International and Nigerian media as well as Nigerian research organizations have reported that the Nigerian security forces have been implicated in several air operations, some erroneous, leading to the killing of citizens.


Nigeria’s international partners, including the United States, should ensure that security cooperation programs do not enable or encourage serious human rights violations. They should increase transparency and center their reporting and oversight mechanisms on compliance with human rights standards.


“The Nigerian authorities should express their commitment to protecting the rights of citizens by conducting prompt and transparent investigations, publicizing findings, and taking steps toward justice and accountability,” Ewang said. “Foreign governments should support these efforts and also pressure the authorities to take steps to scrutinize their security operations and adopt necessary measures to avoid civilian harm.”


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