(Dakar, September 16, 2008) – Fourteen abuse victims, backed by a coalition of African and international rights groups, today filed complaints with a Senegalese prosecutor accusing the former Chadian dictator Hissène Habré of crimes against humanity and torture.
The charges mark a new phase in the long-running effort to bring Habré to trial for atrocities committed during his 1982-1990 rule. Habré, who has lived in Senegal since he was deposed, was first indicted in Senegal in 2000, before courts ruled that he could not be tried there. Senegal then rebuffed a Belgian extradition request for Habré in 2005 before agreeing in July 2006 to an African Union request to prosecute Habré “on behalf of Africa.” In July 2008, Senegal completed a series of legal reforms and constitutional amendments removing the legal obstacles to Habré’s trial.
“私たちは、裁判所で日の目を見させてほしいとセネガルに頼むところまでやっとたどり着いた。”と、政治的弾圧と犯罪の犠牲者チャド人協会(AVCRP)代表のクレメント・アバイフォウタ(Clement Abaifouta )は語った。彼は囚人として500名を超える囚人仲間の墓穴を掘らされている。“これが最後の希望だ。私たちはハブレを法の正義の前に引き出すために18年間戦ってきた。残虐行為を生き残った者の大多数はもう既に亡くなっている。”
“We are asking Senegal finally to let us have our day in court,” said Clement Abaifouta, president of the Chadian Association of Victims of Political Repression and Crime (AVCRP), who as a prisoner was forced to dig graves for more than 500 fellow inmates. “This is our last hope. We have been fighting for 18 years to bring Habré to justice, and most of the survivors have already died.”
Under the Senegalese legal system, the prosecutor will now examine the victims' complaints, and decide whether to present formal charges against Habré before a team of investigating magistrates who have been named to deal with the case.
“We are confident that the prosecutor will now move forward and charge Hissène Habré with crimes against humanity,” said Demba Ciré Bathily, who coordinates the victims’ legal team in Senegal. “The evidence we presented today makes clear that Habré was not only politically responsible but also legally responsible for massive crimes.”
Two Senegalese victims and their families are represented in the case. Abdourahmane Gueye and Demba Gaye, Senegalese merchants, were arrested and jailed in Chad in 1987. Demba Gaye died in prison, while Abdourahmane Gueye was freed after seven months through the intervention of the Senegalese government.
Senegal has said that the investigation and trial of Habré will cost 28 million euros, and that it had budgeted over 1.5 million euros (1 billion francs CFA) for the trial. Chad has agreed to contribute 3 million euros (2 billion francs CFA). In January 2008, a European Union delegation and an African Union envoy visited Dakar to support a request by Senegal for financial and technical assistance.
“Thousands of Habré’s victims, indeed all the people of Chad, are with us today,” said Dobian Assingar, a Chadian activist with the International Federation of Human Rights. “No family in Chad was untouched by Habré’s crimes.”
The victims presented the court with thousands of documents of Habré’s political police, the DDS (Direction de la documentation et de la sécurité), which were discovered by Human Rights Watch in 2001. The documents detail how Habré placed the DDS under his direct authority and kept tight control over DDS operations. The documents contain the names of 1,208 persons who died in detention. In these files alone, there is evidence that Hissène Habré received 1,265 direct communications from the DDS about the status of 898 detainees. The victims also presented a 50-page statement from a top DDS official describing Habré’s relations with the DDS.
“The evidence shows that Habré was not a distant ruler who knew nothing about these crimes,” said Reed Brody, a lawyer at Human Rights Watch who has been working to bring Habré to justice since 1999. “Habré directed and controlled the police force which tortured those who opposed him or those who simply belonged to the wrong ethnic group.”
“私の国は「アフリカ人は自分たちの問題を自分たちで処理できる」ことを見せてアフリカのお手本となるべきである。”と ダカールに本拠を置く人権擁護のためのアフリカ人会議のアリオーン・チネは語った。“残虐な独裁者だけが銀行に預金口座を持ち、それを隣に移せるような時代は終わったのである。”
“My country must set an example forAfrica by showing that Africans can take care of their own problems,” said Alioune Tine of the Dakar-based African Assembly for the Defense of Human Rights (RADDHO). “The time when brutal despots could just take their bank accounts and move next door has ended.”
In February 2007, Senegal passed legislation permitting it to prosecute cases of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and torture, even when they are committed outside of Senegal. In July 2008, Senegal amended its constitution to make clear that the law applies to such crimes even when they were committed before the law was passed.
Other plaintiffs in the case today included Souleymane Guengueng, 58, who almost died of dengue fever during two years of mistreatment in Chadian prisons. Ginette Ngarbaye, 45, was arrested when she was pregnant and was tortured with electric shocks. She gave birth to her first child in a prison cell. Souleymane Abdoulaye Tahir, now 34, was only 15 when he was arrested and repeatedly tortured with electric shocks in an attempt to discover his cousin’s whereabouts.
チャド労働者連盟の副代表の ユーノス・マハディール55歳とブカル・アルドゥムンガル・マバイジェ60歳は、1990年に反ハブレ文書を配布したという容疑で起訴され刑務所内で暴行を受けた。両手両足を背中できつく縛られる“アルバタチャル”と呼ばれる一般的な拷問である。告訴状は、ハブレが関係者への取締りを命令したというDDSの文書やDDS職員の証言を引用している。かつてのハブレのアドバイザーを含む、逮捕された者の内、幾人かは、「ハブレは、彼らに対する尋問と拷問について両方向ラジオを使って事の成り行きに感心を払っていた。マバイジェは拷問で受けた体の傷がまだはっきり分かるうちにハブレの前に連行された。」と述べている。
Younous Mahadjir, 55, vice-president of the Chadian Labor confederation, and Boukar Aldoumngar Mbaidje, 60, were accused of distributing anti-Habré literature in 1990 and beaten in prison while their hands and feet were tightly bound together behind his back, a common torture known as the “Arbatachar.” The complaint cites DDS documents and the testimony of DDS officials that Habré ordered the crackdown on those involved. Several of those arrested, including one of Habré’s former advisors, state that Habré followed their interrogation and torture on a two-way radio, while Mbaidje was brought before Habré himself with the signs of torture still evident on his body.
“Its time to get this case moving,” said Jacqueline Moudeina, president of the Chadian Association for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights, who is also a lawyer for the victims. “Senegal has let us down so many times. We appeal to our African brothers and sisters not to let us down again; it would be too cruel.”
In August, Hissène Habré and 11 Chadian rebel leaders were sentenced to death in absentia by a Chadian court for their alleged roles in attempting to overthrow the Chadian government in February 2008. Both the Chadian and Senegalese justice ministers have made clear that this conviction will not affect the case against Habré in Senegal.
イッセン・ハブレは1982年から1990年に イドリス・デビ・イトノ大統領に権力の座を追われ、セネガルに逃れるまでチャドを支配した。ハブレの一党支配政権は、民族運動の高まりを含んだ広範囲にわたる残虐行為で知られている。2001年にHRWによって発見された、ハブレ政治警察・DDS(秘密書類監督署)のファイルは、収監中に殺害または死亡した1208名の人々の名前を明らかにしている。総計12,321名の人権侵害の被害者がそのファイルには記載されている。
Hissène Habré ruled Chad from 1982 until he was deposed in 1990 by President Idriss Déby Itno and fled to Senegal. His one-party regime was marked by widespread atrocities, including waves of ethnic campaigns. Files of Habré’s political police, the DDS (Direction de la Documentation et de la Sécurité), which were discovered by Human Rights Watch in 2001 (http://www.hrw.org/justice/habre/habre-police.htm), reveal the names of 1,208 persons who were killed or died in detention. A total of 12,321 victims of human rights violations were mentioned in the files.
Habré was first indicted in Senegal in 2000 before courts ruled that he could not be tried there. His victims then turned to Belgium and, after a four-year investigation, a Belgian judge in September 2005 charged Habré with crimes against humanity, war crimes, and torture.
ベルギーの送還要求に続いて、セネガル当局は、2005年11月にハブレを逮捕した。セネガル政府は次にアフリカ連合に、ハブレをどうやって裁判にかけたらよいかについて勧告を求めた。2006年7月2日、アフリカ連合は、著名なアフリカ人法律家で構成された委員会の勧告に従って、セネガルにハブレを“アフリカの名のもと” 起訴するよう求め、セネガル大統領アブドゥライ・ワッドは政府がハブレを起訴するであろう事を宣言した。
Following a Belgian extradition request, Senegalese authorities arrested Habré in November 2005. The Senegalese government then asked the African Union to recommend how to try Habré. On July 2, 2006, the African Union, following the recommendation of a Committee of Eminent African Jurists, called on Senegal to prosecute Habré “in the name of Africa,” and Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade declared that Dakar would do so.