
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ノーベル平和賞受賞者世界サミット


It is a great honor for me to be here at the 11th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates. All the same, I wish it was not me but this year’s peace prize laureate, Liu Xiaobo, who was standing in my place. He would know exactly what to say to this esteemed council gathered in support of the eventual elimination of nuclear arms.  I regrettably report to this summit, most serious efforts were made until last minutes to reach Xiaobo and his wife, but it has been unsuccessful.

第11回ノーベル平和賞受賞者世界サミットの場に御臨席させていただき、この上ない光栄でございます。しかし全くそれと同様に、私が今立っているこの場所に、私ではなく、本年の平和賞受賞者、劉暁波(Liu Xiaobo)先生がいらして欲しいとも切に願っております。核兵器の最終的廃絶を願ってお集まりになった、この名誉ある会議で何を話したらよいのか、先生ならまさに御存じのはずです。しかしサミット出席の方々に誠に残念な報告をせねばなりません。私は、劉先生とそのお連れ合い様に連絡を付けようと、最後の最後まで、一生懸命努力したのではありますが、叶わなかったのです。

Perhaps, I cannot speak on his behalf, exactly, but I have an idea where Liu Xiaobo would stand today. He was – is – my friend and my mentor. During the Tiananmen Square student movement in 1989, he was at my side daily, providing his counsel and support. For many of us in those tumultuous weeks, he was even more a teacher and an inspiration then than he had been at Beijing Normal University, where I was a student and where he was widely admired. During those daily sessions leading up to the bloodshed in Beijing, his words that I remember best – repeated like a mantra – were “non-violence” and “rationality”. 


These were the ideals that he argued should inform our disadvantaged political struggle against the totalitarian might of the Chinese Communist Party. And he invoked those ideals precisely because they were the antithesis of the forces we opposed – a state system that was both violent and irrational. Were he standing here today, I feel sure that he would summon the same ideals in support of the cause that unites us now in Hiroshima, twenty-one years after the events that changed his and all our lives in Beijing.


I also believe he would invoke a third ideal. It is an ideal he spoke of at some length in his final address to the court in Beijing two days before he was sentenced to eleven years in prison on Christmas day last year. That ideal is “respect”. It is a word that a friend of mine who is translating Liu’s work into English recently told me comes up more frequently than almost any other in Liu’s writings. For Liu Xiaobo, respect is a two-way street, but it starts with the self and its beginning can be seen in the words that are most remembered from his last court address: “I have no enemies and no hatred.”


The first four words of this statement – “I have no enemies” – might sound odd, coming from a man who has been hounded by the Chinese authorities, from a man who, as he himself puts it, has “lost the right to speak publicly”, from a man who has been subject “to year-round monitoring”, from a man who has been kept under “residential surveillance”, “sent to reeducation-through-labor” for three years and finally now languishes in prison for the second time in his adult life.

「アイ・ハブ・ノー・エネミーズ(I have no enemies)」という、最初の4つの言葉は、中国当局から執拗に追いかけられてきた男からの、これは先生ご自身がおっしゃっているように、「世の中に対して意見を述べる権利をなくした」男からの、そして「我が家を監視」され続け、3年間「労働再教育に送られ」、最後には今、成人して以来2度目の獄中生活に苦しむ、そんな男から発せられた言葉としては、奇妙に聞こえるかもしれません。

But Liu Xiaobo has chosen not to see himself as a victim of enemies. And the reason, as he himself put it two days before his sentencing, is that – I’m paraphrasing slightly – “hatred … [rots] away at a person’s intelligence and conscience … [and] enemy mentality … [hinders] a nation’s progress toward freedom and democracy.”


In other words, by extending respect to a system he might more easily cast as his enemy, Liu Xiaobo provides hope for change. To be sure – and he knows this as well as anyone – hope does not become change without action, but hope, not anger, not hostility, not fury at enemies, is what brings positive change.


With hope in our minds, I think it is appropriate for me to quote at more length from that last speech Liu Xiaobo’s made:


“I look forward to [the day] when my country is a land with freedom of expression, where the speech of every citizen will be treated equally; where different values, ideas, beliefs, and political views . . . can all compete with each other and peacefully coexist; where both majority and minority views will be equally guaranteed, and where the political views that differ from those currently in power, in particular, will be fully respected and protected; where all political views will spread out under the sun for people to choose from, where every citizen can state political views without fear, and where no one can under any circumstance suffer political persecution for voicing contrary political views. I hope that I will be the last victim of China’s endless literary inquisitions and that from now on, no one will be incriminated because of speech.”


This was Liu Xiaobo’s last wish before he went to prison, and I too wish that it can be so, even though I know it will not happen now and probably not in a long while. Democracy activists and human rights lawyers continue to be harassed and imprisoned in China even as we meet here in Hiroshima. Neither Liu Xiaobo nor his wife, Liu Xia, is allowed to be here with us. There is a very little hope that China’s so-called commitments to political reforms, as promised recently by Wen Jiabao to the United Nations, are anything but words.

これが下獄される前に劉暁波先生が残した最後のお願いでありました。今それが実現しそうにもないし、相当長い間起こりそうもないことを私は承知しておりますけれども、それでも私も又それが出来たらと願っております。私たちが広島のこの地で会っている間にも、中国では民主主義活動家や人権派弁護士が嫌がらせに遭い投獄され続けています。劉暁波先生も、そのお連れ合い様である劉霞(Liu Xia)さんも、私たちと一緒にこの場に存在する事を許されませんでした。温家宝(Wen Jiabao)首相が最近国連に約束したように、政治改革に対して中国が専念するなどと言われているようですが、それは全く言葉だけのものであり、殆ど希望はありません。

I strongly urge the Summit and all the laureates, to call on Chinese regime’s promise to the world of being a responsible member of the international community; and the first step should be release Liu Xiaobo immediately and unconditionally!


Liu Xiaobo – and the Nobel Peace Prize Committee – made a brave and correct choice when they gave him a place among the ranks of some of the great people here today. They support the view that hope is born of non-violence, rationality and respect. In a world that remembers these values, dialogue takes precedence over political oppression and diplomacy takes the place of the bomb.


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