



(Brussels, January 16, 2025) – Authorities in all five Central Asian countries clamped down on dissent and tightened controls over freedom of expression during 2024, imprisoning government critics, activists, and journalists in increasing numbers, and in some instances hiding behind the veneer of reform promises, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2025.

(ブリュッセル、2025年1月16日) 中央アジアではその地域5ヶ国の全当局が2024年中、反対派を弾圧し、表現の自由への統制を強化し、投獄した政府批判者・活動家・ジャーナリストを数は増やしており、そのような事実が場合によって、上辺の改革約束に裏に隠されていることがある、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は世界人権年鑑2025内で本日述べた。

For the 546-page world report, in its 35th edition, Human Rights Watch reviewed human rights practices in more than 100 countries. In much of the world, Executive Director Tirana Hassan writes in her introductory essay, governments cracked down and wrongfully arrested and imprisoned political opponents, activists, and journalists. Armed groups and government forces unlawfully killed civilians, drove many from their homes, and blocked access to humanitarian aid. In many of the more than 70 national elections in 2024, authoritarian leaders gained ground with their discriminatory rhetoric and policies.


“In 2024, authorities across Central Asia ramped up intimidation, harassment, and prosecution of critical activists and journalists,” said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “As more and more Central Asian activists are thrown in jail for simply exercising their right to freedom of speech or peaceful opposition activism, it is increasingly important to call attention to their plight and press for their release.”


  • Courts in Kazakhstan sentenced the activist and journalist Duman Mukhammedkarim and the opposition activist Asylbek Zhamuratov each to seven years in prison on overbroad extremism charges. The authorities even prosecuted comedians. A new media law threatens media freedom in the country.
  • カザフスタンの裁判所は活動家でジャーナリストのドゥマン・ムハメドカリムと野党活動家アシルベク・ザムラトフに拡大解釈に基づく過激主義容疑に対してそれぞれ懲役7年の刑を言い渡した。当局じゃ複数のコメディアンも起訴した。新たなメディア法は同国におけるメディアの自由を脅かしている。
  • In Kyrgyzstan, two journalists associated with Temirov Live, an investigative outlet exposing high-level corruption by authorities, were sentenced to up to six years in prison for allegedly “calling for disobedience and riots.” A court ordered the closure of an award winning investigative outlet, Kloop Media, on the trumped-up pretext of “making calls for violent seizure of power online.”
  • キルギスタンでは、当局高官の汚職を暴露する調査報道機関テミロフ・ライブに関係するジャーナリスト2人が、「不服従と暴動の呼掛け」容疑で6年以下の懲役刑を言い渡された。裁判所は受賞歴のある調査報道機関であるクループ・メディアに、「オンラインで暴力的な権力掌握を呼びかけた」という、デッチ上げの口実で閉鎖命令を出した。
  • Authorities in Tajikistan initiated investigations against Anora Sarkorova, a journalist reporting on the crackdown in the Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region (GBAO), and against Ahmad Ibrohim, chief editor of one of the last independent newspapers, Payk. Seven journalists are behind bars for their critical reporting.
  • タジキスタンでは当局が、ゴルノ・バダフシャン自治州での弾圧を報道したジャーナリスト、アノラ・サルコロワと、最後となった独立系新聞パイク紙の編集長アフマド・イブラヒムへの捜査を開始した。ジャーナリスト7人が批判的な報道をしたことで投獄されている。
  • Turkmenistan’s government retained harsh restrictions on free expression and total control over access to information. It continued to groundlessly and arbitrarily bar some people from foreign travel and refuse to renew passports abroad. The authorities arrested and imprisoned several people who had been living abroad and were deported back to Turkmenistan.
  • トルクメニスタン政府は、表現の自由に対する厳しい制約と情報入手に関する全面的な管理を維持し、一部の人々に対する根拠のない恣意的な出国禁止措置とパスポートの更新拒否を続けた。当局は外国で生活していてトルクメニスタンに送還されて来た、複数の人々を逮捕・投獄した。
  • Authorities in Uzbekistan prosecuted activists on unfounded criminal charges, with a Kashkadarya court sentencing Dildora Khakimova and Nargiza Keldiyorova to six and six-and-a-half years in prison, respectively. Uzbekistan’s Supreme Court rejected the appeal of the imprisoned Karakalpak lawyer-blogger Dilmurod Tazhimuratov.
  • ウズベキスタンでは当局が、根拠のない刑事容疑で活動家たちを起訴、カシュカダリョ裁判所はディルドラ・カーキモワに懲役6年とナルギザ・ケルディオロワに懲役6年半年の刑をそれぞれ言い渡している。ウズベキスタン最高裁判所は、懲役刑を言渡された弁護士でブロガーのカラカルパク人ディルムロド・タジムラトフの控訴を棄却した。

The governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan should release wrongfully imprisoned activists and journalists and uphold the right to freedom of expression. The European Union, United States, and other partners should call out Central Asian governments for imprisoning rights defenders and journalists, who at great risk to themselves, work tirelessly to hold their governments to account.



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