(New York, June 3, 2009) – The Sri Lankan government should ensure that military defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam does not result in new “disappearances,” unlawful killings or the jailing of government critics, Human Rights Watch said today.
The Sri Lankan government appears from its statements to be preparing to take action against individuals and organizations that criticized it during the war, Human Rights Watch said. On June 3, 2009, the media minister, Lakshman Yapa Abeywardana, said the Defense Ministry was preparing to bring charges against journalists, politicians, armed forces personnel and businessmen who have assisted the LTTE.
スリランカ政府はその声明から察するに、戦争中に政府を批判した個人・団体に対して処分を下す準備しているようである、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは語った。2009年6月3日、メディア相ラクスマン・ヤパ・アベイワルダナ(Lakshman Yapa Abeywardana)は、国防省がLTTEを支援した、ジャーナリスト、武装部隊要員、経済人を起訴するよう準備を進めている旨述べた。
“The last thing Sri Lankans need right now is a witch hunt,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The country desperately needs healing. The government should make clear to everyone, especially Tamils, that it will respect their rights.”
In addition to the media minister’s statement, in late May, the Army commander, Gen. Sarath Fonseka, said in a televised interview that the government would take action against journalists whose reporting benefited the LTTE, saying that they would be prevented from leaving the country and prosecuted for treason. Inspector General of Police Jayantha Wickremeratne accused unnamed Sinhalese media-freedom activists of being paid by the LTTE to generate false reporting intended to implicate the army in war crimes.
メディア相の声明に加えて、5月末に軍司令官、サラス・フォンセカ(Sarath Fonseka)大将はテレビでのインタビューで、「政府はLTTEを利する報道を行っていたジャーナリストに対して行動を起こす。」、「対象となるジャーナリストは渡航禁止処分となり、反逆罪容疑で起訴される。」と述べた。警察監察長官ジャヤンサ・ウィクレメラトネ(Jayantha Wickremeratne)は、名前を明かさないもののシンハリ人でメディアの自由を求めている複数活動家を、軍の戦争犯罪関与を示唆するウソの報道を意図的に流すため、LTTEから金を受け取っていたと非難した。
Sri Lankan security forces have long been implicated in enforced disappearances and unlawful killings following the capture of LTTE strongholds. In the 12 months after government forces captured the northern town of Jaffna from the LTTE in December 1995, more than 600 people, mostly young men suspected of having LTTE links, “disappeared.” Although several mass graves have since been uncovered, the fate of most of them has never been determined, and successful prosecutions of security forces personnel have been few.
スリランカ治安部隊はLTTEの拠点を奪取後長い間、強制失踪や非合法殺人に関与していたと見なされてきた。1995年12月に政府軍がLTTEから北部の町ジャフナ(Jaffna)を奪還した後の12ヶ月間で、大部分は LTTEとの関係を疑われていた若者600名以上が“失踪した” 。多数の遺体が埋められていた場所が幾つか発見されているが、失踪者の消息は今も不明であり、成功裏に終わった治安部隊要員訴追は殆どない。
Enforced disappearances and killings of people suspected of being LTTE supporters also occurred in association with the government’s taking of LTTE-controlled territory in eastern Sri Lanka in late 2006 and early 2007. Government security forces were implicated in the mafia-style killing of 17 humanitarian aid workers shortly after government forces retook the northeastern town of Mutur from the LTTE in August 2006. Human Rights Watch reported on numerous serious human rights violations in the east in late 2008 (http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2008/11/24/sri-lanka-human-rights-situation-deteriorating-east ).
LTTE支持者であることを疑われた人々に対する強制失踪や殺害は、2006年末と2007年当初、スリランカ東部の LTTE支配地域を政府が奪取した際にも又、発生した。2006年8月政府軍がLTTEから北東部の町ムートル(Mutur)を取り戻した直後、17名の人道援助要員がマフィア・スタイルで虐殺されたのだが、その事件には政府治安部隊が、関与していると見なされている。2008年の年末に東部で起きた多数の人権侵害に関して、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは報告していた。
(http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2008/11/24/sri-lanka-human-rights-situation-deteriorating-east ).
“Disappearances” of ethnic Tamils in the north and east and in the capital, Colombo, allegedly by members of the security forces or Tamil armed groups remain a serious problem (http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2008/03/05/recurring-nightmare-0 ).
(http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2008/03/05/recurring-nightmare-0 )
“The Sri Lankan government needs to ensure that the abuses that occurred when LTTE strongholds fell in the past don’t recur,” said Adams. “This is crucial for building trust between communities.”
The government announced victory over the LTTE on May 18 after a devastating 25-year conflict. The last months of fighting came at a terrible cost in civilian lives, estimated at more than 7,000 civilian dead and 14,000 wounded. Human Rights Watch reported on serious violations of international humanitarian law by both sides. However, a full accounting of abuses is not yet possible because of government restrictions on access to the conflict zone by the media and human rights organizations.
Since 2008, virtually all civilians who managed to flee the fighting to government-controlled areas have been sent to government detention camps in northern Sri Lanka. Almost 300,000 persons, including entire families, are currently in these camps, where they are denied their liberty and freedom of movement, either for work or to move in with other families.
In recent months, the government has also detained more than 9,000 alleged LTTE fighters and persons with suspected LTTE connections. The United Nations and other international agencies have had little or no access to the screening process, and the government has in many cases failed to provide families of the detained with any information. Many families still do not know the fate and whereabouts of their relatives.
Human Rights Watch urged the Sri Lankan government to take steps to ensure the safety of both civilians and LTTE fighters taken into custody. This includes registering and providing public information about all persons who have been in LTTE-controlled areas, and allowing international humanitarian agencies to participate in processing them. Those detained should have prompt access to family members and legal counsel.
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチはスリランカ政府に、拘禁されている民間人とLTTE戦闘員両者の安全を確保するよう、強く求めた。それは LTTE支配地域にいた全ての人々についての情報を登録・公開すること、それらの情報処理過程への国際的人道機関の参加を承認することなどを、含んでいる。拘禁されている者を速やかに家族及び弁護士に会わせるべきである。
The Sri Lankan government has rejected calls from opposition politicians to end Sri Lanka’s state of emergency and to repeal the draconian Prevention of Terrorism Act, which has been used to arrest and indefinitely detain suspected LTTE supporters and government critics.
Human Rights Watch called upon the Sri Lankan government to treat internally displaced persons in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and respect their basic human rights.
“The government should recognize that respecting the rights of all its citizens, including political opponents and critics, displaced civilians and captured combatants, will have important long-term implications for Sri Lanka’s future,” Adams said.