

Shrimp Cutlet with tartare sauce/エビかつタルタルソース

2019-11-28 18:56:00 | Recipes/Fish
Shrimp 24pcs(S size)
Flour 6 tbsp
Egg 1pcs
Water 1 tbsp
Bread crumbs(Panko) Some

1. Defrost shrimps.Cut in half.Sprinkle littke salt and pepper.

2. Form 3 shrimps in round shape.Make 8 pcs.
3. Mix Flour,egg,and water.Put (2) on turner and Put on mixture.
4. Cover with panko.
5. Deep fry in 180-190° for 1.5min-2min.

■Tartare sauce

Boiled eggs 2pcs…do not too much chop
Chopped onion 3tbsp
Chopped Cucumber pickles 3 tbsp
Mayonnaise 1 cup
Milk 1 tbsp
Japanese mustard(Karashi) 1 tsp
Salt little
Pepper little

1.Mix all but not too much,Just 2-3 times.