401日目(ice cream) 2024-06-29 22:27:00 | 日記 こんにちは、tenです。I went to my favorite cafe and then went to gasoline station for buying ice cream.Unfortunately, the ice was melted when I received it from the staff.まだまだアメリカの洗礼は続く。
400日目(unexpected) 2024-06-29 22:23:00 | 日記 こんにちは、tenです。I continued to perform the experiment.Surprisingly, I got unexpected data again.So, I got total three data that were not supported our hypothesis.I have to rethink about this.まさかの事態。とりあえず、来週ボスと急遽ミーティング。
399日目(experiment) 2024-06-29 22:19:00 | 日記 こんにちは、tenです。I continued to perform the experiment. I got the unexpected data again.またも仮説と真反対のデータ。これは…
398日目(experiment) 2024-06-27 21:43:00 | 日記 こんにちは、tenです。I performed the experiment today.I got the data that did not support our hypothesis…意外な結果にボスと一緒に驚き。
397日目(driver license) 2024-06-25 23:38:00 | 日記 こんにちは、tenです。I went to the DPS with my wife for taking her driver license.We waited for 2 h, and finally got her license.予約とは何だったのだろう…でも取れて良かった。