The mind of harmony
More than 1000 years ago, Prince Shotoku of Japan established the 17-Article Constitution. At the beginning of Article 1, it says, "Respect harmony and must make it a principle not to fight." People have their own opinions and values, but even if you and others have different opinions, he made it like this because it is most important that you never fight and get along with each other.
Many Japanese know the teachings of Prince Shotoku, a great man long ago, so it seems that there are very few cases of big fights even if people have different opinions.
It is said that there is strong pressure to conform in Japan. And then, this may also come from the mind of this harmony. Also, foreigners are surprised at the accuracy of train, but this is also the result of the cooperation of individual railway workers, and it seems that this also comes from the mind of harmony.
In the mind of harmony, it is necessary to pull back one's thoughts, and if one tries to force one's thoughts against this, it will inevitably lead to conflict.
I believe that Japanese people tend to be obedient to administrators, perhaps because they want to avoid conflict, and this is probably the reason why they are less involved in politics and less active in political debates.
The humility of the Japanese may come from this mind of harmony, unexpectedly.