


2024年05月19日 | 部員紹介


名前: Til Ole Köster(ティル オール コエスター)
出身地:ドイツ ノルトライン=ヴェストファーレン州 エッセン
身長: 177cm
体重: ~72kg
柔道経験: 0年
趣味: 読書、ピアノ、ハイキング、御朱印集め
Throughout my life I tried out various sports, for example track and field, climbing and wrestling, to name just a few – I always enjoyed learning something new, and particularly the challenge of doing so. When I came to Japan, I already knew I’d like to join a club, I just wasn’t sure which one it will be. Due to my interest in mixed martial arts, I looked through and researched all the related clubs in Tohoku University. Upon reading something about the special ground-based judo practiced here, I was sure I wanted to join the judo club. Fortunately, after lots of hours studying Japanese, I was able to so.
It's been a little longer than six months since I came to Japan and just over a month since I joined the club. I’m fairly confident in navigating daily life with my Japanese, also friendly conversations in Japanese don’t seem to be as much of a problem anymore, nevertheless, it’s still hard to follow most conversations and instructions during judo practice. Also, names, of people and of techniques, prove to be very difficult to remember for me and I feel like there is not much progress in the direction of changing that. I feel very sorry for all the people who I might cause trouble with these issues. Regardless of that, I’m very thankful for all the help, from various persons, I received up until now. The members seem to be very patient as well as kind. Because of that I can slowly but surely make some progress, despite these difficulties.
I look forward to the upcoming months of training with the judo club. I hope to solve the language issues during my stay and maybe befriend some of the club members. Thank you for reading this. 
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Unknown (Former club member)
2024-05-20 00:13:43
Good challenge 😍ファイト!

