ほんねで話すわ~    my real intention is...

99%ダメ?? あと、1%あるやん
Let's do our best with positive attitude


2015-06-28 05:45:38 | Weblog
eat in; to eat or dine at home

However in Japan, "eat in" is an English term coined in Japan having the meaning of to eat something in a convenience store.
Anyway, I think it is good to increase the number of "eat in"-store.

Because I think it has possibilities to serve as a surrogate for the general store which has the function of vitalization of local communities.

the number of the convenience store in Japan (May/2015)
Lawson; 12,276(JPN) 12,867(All)
Seven-Eleven; 17,569(JPN) 55,801(All)
Family Mart; 11,399(JPN) 17,099(All)

"eat-in" store
Lawson / Seven-Eleven; about 2,000
Family Mart ; about 3,000 -> 6,000? (in 3 years)


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