This time, I would like to introduce the views of a Russian expert in Japan regarding President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
According to this expert, President Putin's goal is not 'to establish a puppet government in Ukraine.
He is trying the same method as in the "Hungarian uprising" and the "Prague Spring".
●What is the purpose of Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
President Putin's goal is not to establish a puppet government.
President Putin has learned from history that a complete puppet government will not be supported by the Ukrainian people.
Putin's objective is threefold.
Russia's attack on Ukraine is a violation of the UN Charter and an attempt to change the international order by force, and is categorically unacceptable.
Russia's responsibility, both legally and morally, is great and must be pointed at severely.
However, since Russia's advance has not stopped, it is necessary to correctly understand what is going to happen and, by extension, what the inherent logic of this military action is based on.
Most of the media and pundits are saying that "Putin's goal is to establish a puppet government in Ukraine.
However, this expert's view is different.
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