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Japan Can Possess Its Own Nuclear Deterrent - Study in the U.S. (Part 1)

2022-03-25 | Defense/Security


The topic this time is “Japan Can Possess Its Own Nuclear Deterrent - Study in the U.S. (Part 1)”.
(To be continued in Part 2)

I would like tentatively to share the insights of Mr. Yoshihisa Komori, Advisor, Japan Forum for Strategic Studies, and also Distinguished Professor at Reitaku University.

His theme is “Japan Can Possess Its Own Nuclear Deterrent" - Study in the U.S.”:

Japan's nuclear deterrence was possible even against the then nuclear superpower, the Soviet Union.

A research report had been prepared in the 1980s by American experts that concluded this.

Based on this conclusion, it is quite possible for Japan to deter nuclear threats from China and North Korea by maintaining a nuclear retaliatory capability.

Therefore, the content of this US study is also important for Japan's national security today.

It is clear from the recent situation surrounding Japan that nuclear deterrence is an important factor that cannot be ignored in international conflicts and in the defense of each sovereign nation.

Considering this situation, the scenario of Japan's nuclear armament program being created by the US makes even more sense.

Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe caused a stir at the end of February 2022 when he proposed that Japan consider joint management (or sharing) of US nuclear weapons.

Former Ambassador to the US Ryozo Kato also proposed in late February that Japan begin discussions on maintaining its own nuclear deterrent capability.

Both proposals were in response to Japan's exposure to nuclear threats from China and North Korea.

Both China and North Korea have made nuclear threats that they could actually launch a nuclear attack against Japan.

On top of that, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the preparation of nuclear weapons in his military invasion of Ukraine.

This is an outrageous move on top of the outrageous invasion of a non-nuclear nation and the threat to use nuclear weapons.

This may be an indication that Russia's attack on Ukraine with conventional forces is not progressing well.

It is also an example of how nuclear weapons can play a major role in international conflicts even when they remain unused.

As is well known, Japan relies on the nuclear deterrence of its ally, the United States, against attacks or threats of attacks with nuclear weapons by other countries.

From the US perspective, this is a strategy of extended nuclear deterrence for its allies.

