にんげんばんじ さいおうがうま



Out of those 4, I think Tom Cruse is the most famous in Japan.

2018年04月26日 11時52分12秒 | 英語は勉強中

who do you know about Tom?


Tom Cruse
Tom Hanks
Tom and Jerry
Tom Sawya

Who is the best Tom???

I think・・・

how do you feel?/How do you think?

注意!!!×How do you think?

I cant remember who T.S.is. Can you remaind me?

-He is explorer.

oh,I know him who I watched "クレイジージャーニー"


He is a boy, novel's character...

I made mistake.
I confused TS with (him). / I mixed up TS with him.

My friend saw his last movie. 最新作!

I don't think I have seen a Tom Hanks movie.

I don't think I 've seen any Tom Hanks movies.

I don't think I've been there.

I don't think I've had rare steak.


You and Tom seem like brothers.
How did you two meet?

注意!!They look like brothers.と違うよ

-we are lifelong friends.

we grew up next door to each other in Texas.

but after we started high school, Tom spent all af his time ---.

Oddly enough, It made us even better friends because it gave us more to talk about.

I stayed his friend.
We stayed friends.

Who is your oldest friend?

I have only known my oldest friend for 5 years.

I have known my oldest friend from high school.

Oh, I got messages from my teachers.謝謝


long time no see.
there are only a few days left, now for you to take your April lessons.
We miss you asn it would be great to see you before GW.

I really hope to see you over the few days.

I used to play Pachinko.
I rare won, it was 5%.

Lottery is more popular in Toronto.

Have you ever wanted to help people in some way?

The reaseon that I asked this question is because
we are going to listen to a story about firefighter.

What did they make her do?

She had to ---

They made her clean the fire truck

People got lost

It's humid. / sticky

She had to put up with a lot.
She got through it.

My boss makes me stay late.
