『古事記』仲哀天皇 2
The Great Empress Okinagatatarashi-hime(Jinguu Kougou), at that time, was divinely inspired. Thus, the Emperor sat at the Kashii Palace in Tsukushi, preparing to attack the Kumaso country. the Emperor grasped the zither, Minister Take-no-uchi was stationed in the sacred courtyard, seeking the divine command. Then, the Great Empress(Jingu kogo), divinely inspired, spoke and taught, saying, “There is a country to the west. It possesses gold and silver, and its treasures dazzle like flames. Various precious objects are abundant in that land. I shall now bestow upon you that country.” Emperor responded, saying, “Looking from a high place toward the west, I see no land, only the vast sea.” He thought it was a deceitful deity, so he withdrew from the zither, no longer playing it, and sat in silence.
The angered divine spirit then decreed, “You are not meant to know of that country. You are to follow a single path.” Minister Take-no-uchi then spoke, “Your Majesty, please play the zither as you did before." Upon hearing this, His Majesty graciously took the zither and began to play it vividly.
Soon after, the sound of the zither ceased to be heard, and lit a fire, he had already passed away.
オキナガタラシ姫(神功皇后)は、その当時、神の啓示を受けられました。このため、天皇は筑紫の香椎宮(かしいのみや)においてクマソの国を撃つ準備をなさっていました。天皇が琴を手になさり、建内宿禰(たけの(or し)うち)大臣は神聖な庭にお立ちになり、神の御命令をお尋ねになっていました。そして、神功皇后が神に啓示を受けて仰せになりました。「西に国がございます。その基盤は金銀であり、その宝物は炎のように輝きます。さまざまな貴重な品々がその国に豊かに揃っています。私はここにその国を授けましょう」。天皇はお答えになりました。「高い所から西を望みますが、陸地は見えず、ただ広大な海が見えます」天皇はこれを欺(かた)りの神だとお考えになり、琴をお置きになり、お弾きになることなく黙してお座りになりました。
令和5年8月10日(木) 2023