『日本書紀』推古天皇 32
In the 32nd year (推古天皇三十二年), during summer in the fourth month, on the third day (丙午朔戊申), a monk struck his grandfather with an axe. Upon hearing this, the Emperor (Empress Suiko) summoned Ōomi (大臣 Soga no Umako) and issued the following decree:
“Monks, having renounced worldly life, are supposed to take refuge in the Three Jewels and uphold the precepts. How could one so easily and without remorse commit the grave sin of harming a parent? I have heard of this monk’s act of striking his grandfather with an axe. Therefore, gather all monks and nuns from every temple and investigate this matter thoroughly. If the allegations are true, the offender must be severely punished.”
All the monks and nuns from the temples were summoned, and the investigation revealed the offending monk and others who had committed crimes. They were judged accordingly.
At this time, a monk from Baekje (百済), named Kanroku (観勒), submitted a petition, stating:
“The teachings of Buddhism traveled from India to China over the course of three hundred years, and only a hundred years have passed since it reached Baekje. Our king, having heard of the wisdom of Japan’s Emperor, sent Buddha statues and scriptures as tribute, but less than a hundred years have passed since then. During this period, monks and nuns here are still unfamiliar with the laws, and so they easily commit such grave offenses. Consequently, many monks and nuns are deeply distressed and uncertain about what to do. I humbly request that, apart from those directly involved in this grave offense, all other monks and nuns be pardoned from punishment. This would be a great act of virtue in accordance with Buddhist teachings.”
The Emperor accepted this petition. On the thirteenth day (戊午), she issued an edict:
“If even those who follow the path of the Dharma commit offenses, how can they serve as an example to guide the common people? Henceforth, we shall appoint a Senior Monk (僧正) and Assistant Senior Monk (僧都) to oversee the conduct of monks and nuns.”
On the seventeenth day (壬戌), Kanroku was appointed as the Senior Monk (僧正), Kuratsukuri no Tokushaku (鞍部徳積) as the Assistant Senior Monk (僧都), and Azumi no Muraji (阿曇連) as the Head of Monastic Affairs (法頭).
In autumn, on the third day of the ninth month (甲戌朔丙子), a survey of temples and monks was conducted. The origins of the temples, the reasons monks and nuns entered the monastic life, and the dates of their ordination were recorded in detail. At that time, there were forty-six temples, eight hundred and sixteen monks, and five hundred and sixty-nine nuns, totaling one thousand three hundred and eighty-five individuals.
推古天皇三十二年(西暦六二四年)の夏、四月三日(丙午朔戊申)に、一人の僧が祖父を斧で打つという事件が起きた。天皇はこれをお聞きになり、大臣(おおおみ 蘇我馬子)を召し、「僧侶とは世俗を離れ、三宝に帰依し、戒律を守るべき存在である。それにもかかわらず、ためらうことなく簡単に親を傷つけるという大罪を犯すとは何事であろうか。僧が祖父を斧で打ったと聞くが、この件を徹底的に調査するため、すべての寺院の僧尼を集め、事実を確認せよ。もしこれが真実であるならば、厳罰をもって処すべきである」と詔(みことのり)を下された。
令和7年1月21日(火) 2025