『日本書紀』雄略天皇 29
柯武柯噬能 伊制能 伊制能奴能 娑柯曳鳴 伊裒甫流柯枳底 志我都矩屢麻泥爾 飫裒枳瀰爾 柯拕倶 都柯陪麻都羅武騰 倭我伊能致謀 那我倶母鵝騰 伊比志拕倶彌皤夜 阿拕羅陀倶彌皤夜
In the twelfth year of his reign, during the summer in April, on the day of Heishi(丙子 ひのえね), Musa no Suguri Ao and Hinokuma no Tami no Tsukai Hakatoko were sent to the land of Wu(呉).
In the winter, October, on the day of Kiyū (癸酉 みずのととり), the emperor ordered the carpenter(木匠) Tsuge no Mita to build a pavilion. Mita went up to the high pavilion and moved around quickly, as if he were flying. An attendant from Ise saw this and, surprised by his speed, fell in the courtyard, dropping the offering she was carrying.
The emperor suspected that Mita had assaulted the attendant and decided to punish him, handing him over to the officials.
At that time, Hata no Sake no Kimi was nearby and wanted to make the emperor realize the truth through a song played on the koto. He played and sang:
Kamukaze no Ise no, Ise no nu no, sakae o, ihofuru kakite, shikatsukuru made ni, Ōkimi ni, chikara taku tsukae, matsuramu to, waga inochi mo, nagaku mogato, ihishitakumi haya, ataraku mihaya.
(In the land of Ise, the branches of the thriving trees are tied and offered with prayers. Until they are all gone, I will serve the great lord with all my strength and hope that my life will be long, just like the skilled workers said. How regrettable that these skilled workers are lost.)
The emperor, understanding the meaning of the song, pardoned Mita's crime.
柯武柯噬能 伊制能 伊制能奴能 娑柯曳鳴 伊裒甫流柯枳底 志我都矩屢麻泥爾 飫裒枳瀰爾 柯拕倶 都柯陪麻都羅武騰 倭我伊能致謀 那我倶母鵝騰 伊比志拕倶彌皤夜 阿拕羅陀倶彌皤夜
令和6年7月19日(金) 2024