『日本書紀』舒明天皇 12
Year 4, Autumn, Eighth Month
The Great Tang Dynasty sent Gao Biaoren (高表仁) to deliver three rice-field plows (三田耜). They arrived together at Tsushima (對馬). At that time, the scholar-monk Ryōun (靈雲), the monk Min (旻), as well as Katsutorikai (勝鳥養) and the envoys from Silla (新羅) accompanied them.
Year 4, Winter, Tenth Month
On the first day of the month, Xinhai (辛亥), and on the fourth day, Jiayin (甲寅), the envoys from the Tang Dynasty, led by Gao Biaoren (高表仁), arrived at Naniwa Port (難波津). The court sent Ōtomo no Muraji Umakayasu (大伴連馬養) to welcome them at the river’s mouth. A fleet of thirty-two ships was fully adorned with banners, drums, and flutes for the occasion. Ōtomo no Umakayasu then conveyed to Gao Biaoren:
“Hearing that an envoy dispatched by the Son of Heaven (the Emperor of Tang) has arrived at the court of the Heavenly Sovereign (the Emperor of Japan), we have come to receive you.”
At that time, Gao Biaoren replied:
“On this cold and windy day, we are honored and humbled by such a splendid welcome with these beautifully adorned ships.”
Then, Naniwa no Kishi Otsuki (難波吉士小槻) and Ōkawachi no Ason Yabushi (大河內直矢伏) acted as guides and led them to the government guesthouse. The court further dispatched Iki no Fubito Otsu (伊岐史乙) and Naniwa no Kishi Yaushi (難波吉士八牛) to escort the guests into the hall. On that very day, they were offered sacred sake (神酒).
Year 5, Spring, First Month
On the sixth day of the first month (己卯) and the eleventh day (甲辰), the Tang envoy Gao Biaoren (高表仁) and his delegation returned to their homeland. Kishi no Omaro (吉士雄摩呂) and Kuromaro (黑摩呂) escorted them to Tsushima (對馬) before returning.
Year 6, Autumn, Eighth Month
A long star appeared in the southern sky. The people called it a comet (彗星).
Year 7, Spring, Third Month
The comet (彗星) appeared again, now in the eastern sky.
Year 7, Summer, Sixth Month
On the tenth day of the month (乙丑朔甲戌), the Kingdom of Baekje (百濟) sent Dalsol Nura (達率柔) to present tribute.
Year 7, Autumn, Seventh Month
On the seventh day of the month (乙未朔辛丑), the envoys from Baekje (百濟) were treated to a banquet at the court.
In the same month, a rare lotus (蓮) was discovered in Tsurugi Pond (劒池). A single stem bore two flowers.
Year 8, Third Month
Those who had violated the court maidens (采女, Uneme) were investigated and all were punished. At that time, Miwa no Kimi Osazaki (三輪君小鷦鷯), unable to bear the interrogation, stabbed himself in the neck and died.
Year 8, Summer, Fifth Month
There was a long period of heavy rain, causing flooding.
Year 8, Sixth Month
A fire broke out at Okamoto Palace (岡本宮). The Emperor relocated temporarily to Tanaka Palace (田中宮).
(在位)四年 秋 八月
大唐(唐)の皇帝は高表仁(こうひょうじん)を遣わし、三田耜(みたのすき・三つの田を耕す農具)を届けさせた。一行はともに対馬(つしま)に到着した。このとき、学問僧・霊雲(れいうん)、僧 旻(みん)、および勝鳥養(かつとりかい)、新羅(しらぎ)からの使者らも随行していた。
四年 冬 十月
この月の一日(辛亥)および四日(甲寅)、唐国(唐)の使者である高表仁らは難波津(なにわのつ)に到着した。そこで朝廷は、大伴連 馬養(おおとものむらじ うまかやす)を遣わし、江口(えぐち)で迎えさせた。船三十二艘はすべて整えられ、鼓や笛の音楽、旗や幟も揃えられていた。
そこで、難波吉士 小槻(なにわのきし おつき)と大河内直 矢伏(おおかわちのあたい やぶし)を案内役とし、一行を館(宿舎)へと導いた。さらに、伊岐史 乙(いきのふひと おつ)と難波吉士 八牛(なにわのきし やうし)が、使者たちを館の中へと案内した。その日のうちに、一行には神酒(みき)が振る舞われた。
五年 春 正月
この月の六日(己卯)および十一日(甲辰)、唐国(唐)の使者である高表仁らは本国へ帰還した。吉士 雄摩呂(きしのおまろ)と黒摩呂(くろまろ)が彼らを対馬(つしま)まで送ったのち、都へ戻った。
六年 秋 八月
七年 春 三月
七年 夏 六月
この月の十日(乙丑朔甲戌)、百済(くだら)は達率 柔(たつそつ ぬら)を遣わし、朝廷に貢ぎ物を献上した。
七年 秋 七月
八年 春 正月
八年 三月
采女(うねめ)を犯した者たちが取り調べを受け、すべて処罰された。このとき、三輪君 小鷦鷯(みわのきみ おさざき)は、厳しい尋問に苦しみ、自ら首を刺して死んだ。
八年 夏 五月
八年 六月
令和7年2月5日(水) 2025