

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 仲哀天皇 3

『日本書紀』仲哀天皇 3




In the eighth year of spring, on the fourth day of the first month, Emperor arrived in Tsukushi. Upon hearing of the Emperor’s arrival, the ancestor of the OkanoAgatanushi, Wani, uprooted a large sacred sakaki tree, placed it at the bow of a large ship, hung a white bronze mirror on the upper branches, a ten-span sword on the middle branches, and an eight-foot jewel on the lower branches, and welcomed the party at Suwa no Saba (present-day Suo-Saba, Yamaguchi Prefecture) Bay.

The area for fishing and salt collection was presented as an offering. It was proposed to designate the area from Anato to Mukatsuno no Oowatari (present-day Usa, Oita Prefecture, and Mukaino) as the East Gate, Nagoya no Oowatari (present-day Nagoyasakai, Tobata, Fukuoka Prefecture) as the West Gate, and to set the limits with Motorishima and Ahenoshima (present-day Rokuren Islands and Ai Island) as the royal domains, dividing Shibashima to serve as the royal granary, and designating the sea of Sakame as the salt field.

A guide through the sea route was provided, entering Okaura from around Yamaga no Misaki. However, upon reaching the entrance, the ship could not move forward. Asked by Wani, it was questioned why the ship could not advance despite the Wani’s pure intentions. Wani explained that the immobility was not due to his fault but because of two deities residing in the bay, named Okuranushi (male deity) and Tsuburahime (female deity), suggesting their divine will might be the cause.

The Emperor prayed and appointed Igahiko, a navigator from the Yamato region (Uda people), as the ritualist (Hafuri) to perform the ceremony. Subsequently, the ship moved.

Empress Jingū, aboard a different ship, entered from the Kukinoumi but was stuck due to the receding tide. The Wani, attempting to return and welcome the Empress from Kukinoumi, was alarmed by the immobility of the ship and hastily constructed fish and bird ponds to gather fish and birds. Seeing these fish and birds, the Empress’s anger dissipated. As the tide rose, the Empress docked at Okatsu.

Note: “Hafuri" refers to a role, often under the direction of a Shinto priest, more directly involved in conducting rituals than a Negi (assistant priest).


春の八年目、一月の四日に、(仲哀)天皇は筑紫(つくし)に到着されました。天皇の到着を聞いた岡県主(おかのあがたぬし)の先祖である熊鰐(わに・くまわに)は、大きな榊(さかき)を根こぎにして、大きな船の舳(へさき)に立て、上の枝には白銅鏡(ますのかがみ)を、中央の枝には十握剣(とつかのつるぎ)を、下の枝には八尺瓊(やさかに 瓊 赤い玉)を吊るし、周芳沙麼(すわのさば、現在の山口県佐波)の浦で一行をお迎えしました。

漁と塩をとる区域を献上しました。穴門(あなと)から向津野(むかつの)大済(おおわたり、現在の大分県宇佐、向野)までを東門(ひがしのみと)とし、名籠屋大済(なごやのおおわたり、現在の福岡県戸畑の名籠屋崎)を西門(にしのみと)とすること、没利島(もとりしま)、阿閉島(あへのしま、現在の六連島、藍島)を限界として御笪(みたく 領地)とし、柴島(しばしま)を分けて御甂(みなへ 穀倉)とすること、逆見海(さかめのうみ)を塩地(しおじ 塩を採る地 塩田)とすることが提案されました。





令和6年3月3日(日) 2024

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