『古事記』古事記上卷 幷序 5 ≪改訂版≫
大抵所記者、自天地開闢始、以訖于小治田御世。故、天御中主神以下、日子波限建鵜草葺不合尊以前、爲上卷、神倭伊波禮毘古天皇以下、品陀御世以前、爲中卷、大雀皇帝以下、小治田大宮以前、爲下卷、幷錄三卷、謹以獻上。臣 安萬侶、誠惶誠恐、頓首頓首。
正五位上勳五等 太朝臣 安萬侶
≪ 英訳 ≫
『古事記』上巻 幷序 5
Respectfully, I think that the Emperor has taken up his divine abode, nurtured three palaces, and illuminated the Imperial Palace with his virtues, culminating like the trail of a horse, his radiance extending from the seat of a black-painted carriage to the bow of a shining ship. The sun shines with a heavy radiance, scattering clouds like smoke. The good omens of entwined branches and rich ears are recorded in history without ceasing, and the tributes that decipher the repeated beacon fires are endless. It may be said that its name rises in the cultural world, and its virtues shine as brilliantly as the heavens.
Therefore, on the 18th day of the 9th month in the 4th year of Wado, he regretted the errors of the ancient writings and the inaccuracy of the foregoing, and issued an imperial decree, commanding his vassal Ano no Shirushi (阿野帥志)to compile an imperial edict, examining the ancient writings to eliminate the false and determine the true, so that he might transmit them to future generations. At that time, there was a 28-year-old courtier named Hieda-no-Are (稗田阿礼), who was intelligent, sharp-eyed, and had a sharp memory. He was ordered to diligently study and recite the imperial edicts and the ancient texts of his predecessors. However, due to the changing times, this duty had not yet been fulfilled.
The Emperor nurtured the realm with the divinity that encompassed the three palaces, and his virtue was so extreme that he sat in his black carriage and illuminated the bow of the ship. The sun shines with a grave radiance, scattering clouds like smoke. The good omens of tangled branches and rich ears are recorded in history without ceasing, and the tributes that decipher the repeated beacon fires are inexhaustible. There is no room in the treasury. Its name rises in the world of culture, and its virtues shine as brilliantly as the heavens.
Therefore, in order to correct the errors in the ancient documents and the errors in the old chronicles, on September 18 of the first year of the Wado, I issued an imperial decree to the courtier Ano no Shirushi(阿野帥志), having him compile an imperial edict and having him examine and submit for examination the ancient documents composed by Hieda-no-Are. Faithful to that imperial decree, I have carefully selected and recorded them. In ancient times, however, words and meanings were simple and difficult to express in writing. If expressed in letters, the meaning would not be conveyed, and if one relied only on phonetic readings, the sentences would become too long. Therefore, there are cases where both phonetic and literal readings are used in a single sentence, or where the entire description is recorded using only the literal readings. In addition, difficult expressions are annotated, while straightforward meanings are not annotated. Similarly, family names such as "Kushaha" are written as "Kusaka," and honorific personal names are written as additional characters without changing the original form.
In general, the records cover the period from the creation of the heavens and the earth to the reign of Emperor Ojin. Thus, the first volume begins with Amenominakanushi and ends with Hikonagisa Ugayafukiaezunomikoto. The middle volume begins with Emperor Jinmu and ends with Emperor Ojin. The second volume is from Emperor Nintoku to Emperor Suiko. These three volumes are compiled and honored.
I, Yasumaro, respectfully and fearfully offer my heartfelt thanks.
Anabe no Muraji(Yasumaro), January 28th of the fifth year of Wado era, Imperial Courtier of the First Rank, Senior Fifth Rank, and Grand Master."
*the fifth year of Wado era = 712 AC
一般に、記録は天地開闢から応神天皇の治世までをカバーしている。したがって、上巻はアメノミナカヌシで始まり、ヒコナギサ ウガヤフキアワスノミコトで終わる。中巻は神武天皇から始まり応神天皇で終わる。下巻は仁徳天皇から推古天皇まで。合わせて三卷を記し編纂し、顕彰し謹んで獻上いたします。
臣 安萬侶、謹みかしこみ申しあげます。
正五位上勳五等 太朝臣 安萬侶