

野岳湖 Lake Nodake

2007-01-31 16:48:44 | 歴史 History


海に面した彼杵では鯨にちなんだものをよく見かけます。 五島沖でよく捕れた鯨の肉は まず彼杵に荷揚げされ各地に流通したからでしょう。

大人数で命をかけて捕った巨大な鯨は 解体チームの素早い作業により一時間で解体されたといいます。






歯は髪をとかす くしに。

鯨は余すところなく利用され 「鯨一頭七浦栄える」といわれました。

その鯨産業で 莫大な富を築いた深沢義太夫という人が波佐見にいました。

長崎県大村市の小さな山の上に 野岳湖という人工湖がありますが この湖は彼の寄付によって造られました。

In Japan, it was usual to eat whales. People never ate beef nor pork because eating them was a big no-no. In the past, whale was a good source of protein for Japanese people.

I see many things that are supposed to do with whales in Sonogi, the waterside of the Omura Bay, where once was a lively dock for the whale industry. Off the Goto Islands were great fishing grounds for catching whales.  The whales were unloaded on the Sonogi dock.

A whale is huge, numerous whalemen fought with it which could kill many of them by just one slap with its tail. It is said that a whale was cut into some parts by numerous butchers within only one hour.

The meats were preserved in salt.

The blood made good medicine.

The bone made good fertilizer.

The strong nerves made good strings for bamboo swords and bows.

The teeth made good combs.

And the other parts were boiled to make good oil.

As you can see, people made the most of whales and nothing was dumped. Back then, one whale made seven villages rich.

Gidayu Fukazawa made a tremendous fortune by catching whale. He contributed his money to make the man-made Lake Nodake in Omura City.

He was originated from Hasami Town.



それまで その地方では干害、水害を繰り返し農民はとても困っていました。大村藩は対策としてダムを作ればいいのはわかっていたけれども なにぶん貧しい小さな藩だったのでお金がありませんでした。


人造湖のおかげで 水害知らずとなり 今では田んぼ、畑、果樹園が広がるのどかな野岳。 海を見下ろす日当たりの良い野岳は 私のお気に入りの場所です。

私にいろいろ教えてくれる 大村史話の本には 鯨漁のようすが生き生きと描かれています。 ちょっとクジラさん 可哀相な気がするけど 漁師達も命がけでした。

クジラの油は重要な除虫剤になり 畑や田んぼを青々とさせ 飢餓を減らしたと本には書かれています。

子供の頃 父のお酒のおつまみのクジラシリーズはどれも美味しそうだった。


Lake Nodake is big, beautiful and has camp sites and a museum. Construction began in 1661 and after two years, it was completed. The man-made lake was constructed, and therefore many farmers in that area were no longer suffered from any flood nor drought. The Omura Clan acknowledged that some infrastructure was needed to take care of water problems in that area, though, they couldn't afford it. The Omura Clan was such a small and needy one.

Gidayu Fukazawa also contributed many other public things for Omura locals to help people.

The completion of the infrastructure led farmers to make good rice paddies, farms. That area is called Hill Nodake and that's my favorite place. It's sunny, serene and has a stunning view of Omura Bay.

The Omura history book tells me a lot and what I'm so impressed was about how to hunt the huge whale. Hey, whales, I feel so sorry but in the book, it's described details so lively that I can't help but think it's just exciting. Not to mention,  the whalemen were catching them running risks losing their lives. 

The book adds that the whale oil was used by farmers as pest control for their crops . As a result lots of lives were saved from starvation.    

In my childhood, Dad sometimes had some sliced whale meats as a snack. That looked way yummy.

海に住んだ人々 Sea-dwellers

2007-01-24 16:47:37 | 歴史 History

This is a photo of  a view of Omura bay from Higashisonogi bank. The view is always stunning.


一般的に 多くの人々は陸に住んでますが 昔 長崎の海に住む人々がいたそうです。 彼らは家船(えふね)と呼ばれる船に住み めったに陸にあがることはなかったそうです。 独自の社会をもち一生を海で暮らしたといいます。

ハウステンボスに遊びに行く時にいつもこの道沿いを通るたび 彼らはここにいたのかなーと思ったりします。

彼らは 漁がとても上手で 決して網や釣り糸は使わず主に鉾で突いて魚をしとめることを 誇りとしていました。時折そうして得た海産物を陸の農産物と交換したそうです。

彼らが陸にあがるのは そうして物々交換する時とお正月 お盆 それととても微笑ましいと思うのですが 子供たちが鞠つき・・・ボール遊びをしたがる時だと本には書かれています。家船はそんなに大きなものではなかったから鞠つきは無理だったのでしょう。

In the past, there used to be people who lived on the boats. I understand people normally live on the land, just like me, but there once were some groups of people who lived their whole life on the boat. It is said that those, should I call them sea-dwellers, people were on the open sea above the Sea of Japan. Apparently those sea-dwellers had existed around Nagasaki and Omura bay too. Whenever I pass by this Higashisonogi area to get to HUIS TEN BOSCH, I ponder over how they were. They were always on their boats carried the whole necessaries and had their own society. They didn't have any house or property on the land, but friends who invited them for the New Year's holidays and Bon vacation. The boat-people were catching marine products for a living and what I took it unique was its principle about how to fish. They never used a net nor a line and used mainly lance to catch any marine products.. Sometimes they landed to exchange their marine stuff for produce with farmers, and to let their kids play with ball. Not to mention but the boats were too small to play with a ball but, you know, kids like to play with it. Aren't they just sweet?

 1480年 領地を侵略され唐津あたりに逃れていた当時の大村藩主 大村純伊(すみこれ)は 大村の地を奪還すべく舞い戻ります。その水先案内人を務めたのが この海に住んだ人々でした。 純伊は大村領を取り戻し 海夫に感謝して姓を与えました。領民も良い領主が戻ってきてくれて とても喜び ”大村寿司” をつくってお祝いをしました。

In 1480, they had rescued the Omura's feudal lord, Sumikore Omura, to lead him to come back and he  fought back over his land against his enemy. Some years before, Omura land was invaded by the neighbor feudal lord and Sumikore Omura had fled to somewhere outside of Omura. As Omura people loved Sumikore so much, they were grateful for his comeback and cerebrated it with "Omura-sushi". The unique pressed sushi turned out to be the Omura's specialty. Sumikore was grateful to the boat-people and gave them some good second names. The boat-people must have felt honored by that.     


江戸の末期 時代は大きく変わりますが 海夫たちもお金をもうけたり 炭鉱ができたので鉱夫になったり。 でも またしても微笑ましいのは きっと彼らが何より生活を変えたかったのは 子供達の教育のためでした。 陸に上がって学校に通わせたかったのでしょう。

そうして 海に住む人々は姿を消しました。

Nowadays, trains go along the bay. At late the Edo period, as Japan made drastic changes in many ways, those boat-people changed their life-styles too. Some made a fortune and got some property on the land and some quite living on the boat and became a miner. However most of all, I'm so impressed to know they really cared about their kids and wanted them to be educated at school. The boat-people were aware of the necessity of education for kids' future. Again, it's sweet, isn't it?

Now that there is no people who live on the boat.

This is the Chiwata Station.

本経寺 五色塀 Honkyoji-temple and Goshikibei in Omura

2007-01-13 09:04:20 | 歴史 History





日記によると 評判の良い宿場町と悪いのがあって あの町は道の脇にきれいに木が植えてあってよいとか 美人が多いとか ある宿場のあたりはなんだかいつもきたないので 泊まりたくないとか。 


かつては大村藩の人々全てがキリシタンでした。禁教後は大村藩は仏教を信仰する藩として生まれ変わらなければ 藩は取り潰されます。ささいな理由で頻繁に取り潰しが行われていた江戸時代、実際 大村藩はいつ取り潰されてもおかしくない状況だったはずです。

街道を行く人々に ”大村藩は他の藩と同じく仏教を信仰する町で しかも美しい町である。” という良い印象を与えたかった。それはきっと うわさとなって幕府の耳にも届くはず。


”街道のお掃除をちゃんとして清潔にするのはもちろんだけど 屋敷の塀を色とりどりの五色の石でつくったらきれいじゃない?きっと評判になるよ!”


塀はその頃のものではありませんが きれいですよね?

The Nagasaki-Kaido, from Nagasaki to Kokura, was part of the trunk road that leads to Edo ( Tokyo ) from Nagasaki. Omura is beside the Nagasaki-Kaido, one of the towns where people take a rest at cafes or stay at hotels in the night. It is said that numerous people with a load passed by there and some people even saw an elephant walking on the road to Nagasaki or to Edo. Nowadays, we learn a great deal from the diaries that such tourists kept about 400 years ago. If you read the journals you'll find many compliments or complaints about the towns that they left. One traveler liked to see stunning rows of trees beside the road, and one was pleased to find there were many beautiful women in one town. One tourist hated one somehow messy town.

Omura was a town which was keenly concerned about such reputation. There was a reason. In the Edo period, when the government smelled out any resistance, no matter how much tiny and insignificant it looks, didn't hesitate to destroy the clan and take away its land. The Omura clan had owned the land for a long time, which had been very famous town due to the fact that all of people once were Christian. After Edo-government banned Japanese people to believe in Christianity, no one could exist in Japan as a Christian. Thus, Omura people was desperate to give travelers the new and good impression of this town so that they could survive. They wanted to show tourists "Omura town is no longer Christian one. All of us are earnest Buddhists. Our town is beautiful and people are totally innocent." But, how? I assume that people in Omura must have mulled over how to show a good town, Omura.

The picture is part of walls in Omura City. This is called like "Five-color Walls". Those unique walls were placed in Omura town along the Nagasaki-kaido to represent a refined sense of taste that Omura people have.



1608年 日蓮宗の本経寺は建立されました。

それまで大村には寺や神社はありませんでした。キリシタンにひとつ残らず破壊されてしまったからです。大村の殿様 大村喜前は お友達大名 熊本の加藤清正にいろいろ教えてもらってこの寺を建てました。

その頃はまだ キリシタン弾圧がまだ さほど激しくなかったのに 教会を取り壊した跡地にわざわざ建てています。キリスト教の”キ”の字も残してはならない という決意でしょうか。 

ところで お寺の屋根をよく見てください。中心がずれてませんか?移築された建物にしばしば見られるらしいので このお寺は移動して運ばれてきたのかもしれません。 230年前に一度焼失しているので。 本堂に続く石畳は約400年前そのままです。

In 1608, Honkyoji-temple was built in Omura as a Nichiren sect temple. Back then, there was no temple or shrine around there. Of course there used to be but Christian totally demolished all of them. Now, Omura needed to have Buddhist things immediately, the Omura feudal lord, Yoshiaki Omura, asked his friend, the famous Kumamoto feudal lord, Kiyomasa Kato, for a helping hand. Kato send him some experienced Buddhist monks. The Omura feudal lord intentionally built the Honkyoji-temple on the place where a church used to be. I feel Yoshiaki's strong will: "Now look at my people , all of them in Omura are no longer Christian. We all have revived as Buddhist."

BTW, please take a look at the roof of the temple. Do you find the center of the roof should be a bit more rightward? In other words, the centers of the roof and the foyer look different. A history instructor of mine said it's not that rare phenomenon. It often occurred when the temple was moved from somewhere to the other place. Given the original temple was burned down 230 years ago, this sort of new temple must have been brought here from somewhere. If you get a chance to look at whatever temples, watch the roof! Just for the record, I have never found such a kind of strange roof before.  

The stone path forward has been there for some 400 years.     


”りっぱな お寺だ。” そう旅人に思ってほしかったのでしょう。

This is a long fence of the Honkyoji-temple, called like "A hundred-ken fence". A ken is 1.818 meters. The road is just part of the Nagasaki-kaido. The Honkyoji-temple is not that big temple but the fence is oddly long. Probably Omura expected tourists to find that this town has a great temple.


様々な形の美しい石造美術品のようです。大村は石がたくさんとれて それを加工する技術にも優れていました。五輪塔、笠塔婆といわれる石を積み上げた塔のような形の墓石が多く見られます。驚くのはその大きさ。2~7メートルまであります。

江戸幕府が段階的に進めていた鎖国が完成し 長崎から小倉までをむすぶ長崎街道が整備された時期に墓石の大きさはそれまでの2倍、6メートルに達します。

やはり 街道をゆく旅人へのアピールです。

”大村藩は仏教を厚く信仰する藩で こんなに立派な墓を建てるのだ。だから どうぞ キリシタンの藩というイメージはもう忘れてください。” 

個人的には 街道に配した五色塀、巨大な墓石や ただ長い壁は、パッとしないアイデアだなと思います。

五色塀などは 正直言うと垢抜けない感じが 私は好きではありません。

でも 勝手な想像ですが だからこそ きっとお城の中でセンスのないオヤジ達(失礼!)がおでこをくっつけて 一生懸命に考えたに違いない・・・と思えるのです。


私はもともと歴史には全く興味なかったけど なぜか長崎、大村の歴史はとても面白い。  

If you just walk along the fence, you will see many tall gravestones above it. Omura was a good source of stones. It is said that there used to be many professional stone artisans. If you get inside of the Hongyo-ji, you'll see many stunning tombstones that are beautiful and some of them are really big. The shapes are unique, they are categorized into "The five-story pagoda" and "The stupa". I think the standard shape of common headstones is just rectangle. Maybe I should've taken some photos of them but I was just scared in the graveyard.

As you know, during from 17th to middle 19th, the Edo-government had been under an unique diplomatic maneuver dubbed "Sakoku". Japan shut out all of the foreign counties besides China and Holland. The Nagasaki port was the only place in Japan to trade with them. As Sakoku proceeded, Nagasaki-kaido was needed to be completed as a trunk line to Edo. And at the same time the height of the tombstones in the Honkyoji-temple gets nearly 6 meters so that many tourists can see it above the fence. The six-meter gravestone is twice as tall as ordinary ones. As you can see,  Omura fudal lord had been craving for a nation-wide recognition of the new Buddhist Omura in order to survive with his people.

Well, personally I don't buy the idea of so to speak "The five-color wall". I can't take it they are beautiful. I mean they are not my cup of tea. How about way too tall headstones and too long fence? Gee, I don't know...no offence, but I think they are cheesy and tatty ideas as such. Whereas I like them. What with the poor ideas inspire me to imagine that perhaps, in the Omura castle, unrefined vassals had meetings day in and day out to work out how to survive and ended up making such poor stuff. Turned out the ideas did work. Some tourists wrote about the beautiful walls or neat and nice Omura in their diaries. I like Omura people struggling to survive. The feudal lord, his vassals and his people corresponded to get over the crisis that might have destroyed the Omura clan.

I don't call myself a history person. I didn't like any history as a student because I didn't remember any numbers nor names ( even now ). Added to that, I don't read a book. It's surprising and I don't know why but the history of Omura and Nagasaki is very interesting for me. 



鈴田牢 The Suzuta Jail

2007-01-09 20:22:23 | 歴史 History






水鳥がたくさんいて ”白鳥がいる!”と思ったら

ゆうたん曰く ”どうみても ガチョウでしょう?” (TAT)

In the evening, I regularly take a brisk walk to keep in shape. It's a creek of Omura Bay. Omura Bay is such a small sea enclosed with the land, you can see hills anywhere over it. Yesterday, I thought I was seeing a swan with many water birds. I told Yutan and he said "Mom, that's obviously a white goose, I'm afraid."  

この地点からすこし歩いたところ 海を見下ろす小さな丘の上に 


鳥かごのような構造の狭い牢屋が海風の吹きすさぶ岬に建てられ 小さなそのカゴに大勢を詰め込んだため何人もその中でなくなりました。収容された人たちはその後長崎の西坂などで処刑されました。 

A little bit away from this point, there is a pretty small hill on which there used be a jail called Suzuta-Jail. In 1619 when the Edo Government strongly banned to believe in Christianity, it was built to lock Christian priests and believers up into it. The jail was just like a cage made of bamboo and that was very small and located on the top of a small and windy cape. Too many Christians were packed up into the cage, many people died in it, others were executed for their religion in Nisizaka in Nagasaki or other places. 

外国から来た宣教師の一人は 鈴田牢から自国の教会あてに手紙を出しています。その中で 自分たちキリスト教信者が日本でどんなにひどい目にあっているかを訴えていたそうです。

このきれいな夕日を どんな気持ちで鳥かごの中から見つめていたのでしょうか。

One of the priests from overseas, mailed some letters from the Suzuta Jail to his country to let the church know how awfully Christians were treated in the current Japan.

I see the same beautiful sunset which the dying Christians probably saw too. It breaks my heart to think about them.

キリスト教国 ポルトガル、スペインに国を侵略されることを恐れた豊臣秀吉。





Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was afraid of being invaded by Christian countries such as Portugal and Spain.

A church which demolished Buddhism and Shinto by totally destroying all of the temples, shrines, statues and books in Omura.

People who believed that no one is segregated when believe in Christianity.

The Edo government which wanted to control people throughout Japan with the new tight caste system.

What can I say? In the past, too many things happened in this small town.   

入り江にそって たった2二両編成の短い電車がゆきます。



Nowadays a short train which consists of only two coaches comes and goes along the bay. Some English instructors from overseas commute from Isahaya in where their dorm exists to Omura every day.

Later on, part of this area was land-filled, the landscape has changed accordingly.