

鈴田牢 The Suzuta Jail

2007-01-09 20:22:23 | 歴史 History






水鳥がたくさんいて ”白鳥がいる!”と思ったら

ゆうたん曰く ”どうみても ガチョウでしょう?” (TAT)

In the evening, I regularly take a brisk walk to keep in shape. It's a creek of Omura Bay. Omura Bay is such a small sea enclosed with the land, you can see hills anywhere over it. Yesterday, I thought I was seeing a swan with many water birds. I told Yutan and he said "Mom, that's obviously a white goose, I'm afraid."  

この地点からすこし歩いたところ 海を見下ろす小さな丘の上に 


鳥かごのような構造の狭い牢屋が海風の吹きすさぶ岬に建てられ 小さなそのカゴに大勢を詰め込んだため何人もその中でなくなりました。収容された人たちはその後長崎の西坂などで処刑されました。 

A little bit away from this point, there is a pretty small hill on which there used be a jail called Suzuta-Jail. In 1619 when the Edo Government strongly banned to believe in Christianity, it was built to lock Christian priests and believers up into it. The jail was just like a cage made of bamboo and that was very small and located on the top of a small and windy cape. Too many Christians were packed up into the cage, many people died in it, others were executed for their religion in Nisizaka in Nagasaki or other places. 

外国から来た宣教師の一人は 鈴田牢から自国の教会あてに手紙を出しています。その中で 自分たちキリスト教信者が日本でどんなにひどい目にあっているかを訴えていたそうです。

このきれいな夕日を どんな気持ちで鳥かごの中から見つめていたのでしょうか。

One of the priests from overseas, mailed some letters from the Suzuta Jail to his country to let the church know how awfully Christians were treated in the current Japan.

I see the same beautiful sunset which the dying Christians probably saw too. It breaks my heart to think about them.

キリスト教国 ポルトガル、スペインに国を侵略されることを恐れた豊臣秀吉。





Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was afraid of being invaded by Christian countries such as Portugal and Spain.

A church which demolished Buddhism and Shinto by totally destroying all of the temples, shrines, statues and books in Omura.

People who believed that no one is segregated when believe in Christianity.

The Edo government which wanted to control people throughout Japan with the new tight caste system.

What can I say? In the past, too many things happened in this small town.   

入り江にそって たった2二両編成の短い電車がゆきます。



Nowadays a short train which consists of only two coaches comes and goes along the bay. Some English instructors from overseas commute from Isahaya in where their dorm exists to Omura every day.

Later on, part of this area was land-filled, the landscape has changed accordingly. 


2 コメント

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Unknown (ello)
2007-01-12 13:23:12
Wow! How beautiful! How close do you live to the bay? Is it in walking distance? My in-laws have a house on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, but it is more than an hour away. CAn you see Nagasaki city from your side of the bay?

By the way, I love your baking! It makes me hungry to see your delicious looking cakes, breads and tarts! I was so surprised to see that you make challah bread. It's a jewish bread and since leaving New York, I've found that not alot of people know what it is, or how to say it. You are right, it is pronounced hallah, but spelled challah. We have a great store here that makes the most delicious challah raisin bread!

I love your blog!

Unknown (N)
2007-01-13 09:00:26
Hi, Ell!
That's sweet of you. I'm glad you like them. And I fixed the spell. Thank you!
It will take 10 or so minutes to get to the bay from my apartment and I can see it from the balcony. The view of the bay is always stunning. I don't know exactly, what with I'm pretty bad at directions, probably I'm not seeing Nagasaki City across the bay. Maybe Nagasaki City is on the opensea side, I guess. The shape of Nagasaki prefecture is so strange that I'm often confused though. Nagasaki City is about an hour by car from here. In the past, that area was included in my town, Omura.

I've once visited around Portland but never been to NY. I'd love to go there to get nice Jewish cookies named walnuts horns(?) made of creamcheese.

Ell, thanks again for the nice comment.