ゆうたんママは長崎県に引っ越してから家の周りや行く先々で ふるーい 歴史のありそーなものをとてもよく目にするので 歴史が好きになりました。歴史に関する本なども読んだりして。ゆうたんパパに 読んだままのうんちくを語るととても嫌がられるので今日は アナタに 語らせていただきます。
Since I moved here in Nagasaki, I've noticed to be surrounded by many historical places. That fact made me love the history. So far,I reallly didn't like history because I didn't have good memory for numbers and names. Now that I like history of my town, Omura, I read some books. Then I itch to tell someone some *interesting* stories picked up from the books, my husband is aggravated by me telling same stories over and over again. So, today, I attempt to tell YOU about part of Omura's history!
去年の8月から月一回の歴史講座に通ってました。先日がその最終回だったのですが いくつか史跡もまわりました。講義でも説明をしてくださる市役所の方がとてもとても物知りで 鳥かごに飼って史跡を連れて歩きたいほどでした。70名くらいの参加者のほとんどは たぶん地元のシニアのかただったと思います。行く先々でご自分の子供の頃を振り返って独り言のように昔のことを語ってくださり それを聞くのがまた臨場感があるというのでしょうか とても楽しかったです。
I've taken a course of history held by the city since last August. I went to the last one of the program last Saturday. Not only listening to the lecture but also we went to historical places. I've been amazed by an instructer who dearly knows many things about my town. Thanks to him, we got a great deal of Omura's history. We attendants were 70ish in all, many of them were senior. At the places we went together, they used to tell stories in their childhood. They told tales so lively that I enjoyed to listen to them very much.
長崎街道を大村から佐世保方面へ少し行ったところ 刃物で有名な "松原宿" の松原春日神社にある土俵です。昔から松原には強いお相撲さんがいて江戸時代の力士の大きなお墓もあります。秋にはお祭りがあって お相撲大会 やってましたよ!
This is a Sumo wrestling ring in Matsubara Kasuga Shrine. Matsubara Town is in Omura city and famous for good knives. There used to be strong Sumo wrestlers and massive grave stones of some of them in the Edo period. In Matsubara town, they have a Sumo match in every Fall. I actually saw it last Fall. That was amazing. ( Oh, I'll have to have a little break since I have to make dinner for my family right now. I'll be back in a bit soon!! See you then :-D )
In the Edo priod( 1603-1867 ) Matsubara was a place travelers took a break sipping a cup of green tea in a cafe. This picture is part of a gate of a cafe.
This used to be a hotel long time ago in Matsubara. This hotel is a museum now. You can get in this museum to look at inside for free. If you do, watch your head. The ceiling is very low because old Japanes were shorter than modern Japanese.
ご存知のように 大村は昔 長崎街道が通っていたところです。ふつうに毎日のように通っている道にも ココが昔は長崎街道だったんですよ と示す ”長崎街道”の看板を見ることができます。江戸時代から どんな人がどんな思いでここを通ったのか、大村の町の人たちはどんな思いで 街道をゆく旅人達を見送ったのか・・・なんだかわかる気がする身近な街道です。
大村は 日本ではじめてのキリシタン大名 大村純忠の領地でした。純忠の領民はすべてキリシタンとなり、寺社仏閣、仏像までもキリシタンによって ことごとく破壊されました。キリスト教の禁教後は キリスト教に関するもの、キリスト教を連想させるものはすべて取り壊されました。当時は幕府によるお家取り潰しが頻繁に行われていて大村藩が生き残るために 藩は大村がいかに仏教を信仰する町として生まれ変わったか 素晴らしい町であるかを 町の中を通る長崎街道を利用して 街道をゆく人々にアピールしました。たとえば 6,7メートルもある巨大な墓石や 五色の石を埋め込んだ珍しい塀を街道沿いに配置したのです。
それらが美しいのかセンスが良いのか判断によりますが 大村を守ろうとする人々の必死な思いを強く感じます。
日本初のキリシタン大名であった大村純忠もはじめは ポルトガルやスペインとの貿易をするために布教をみとめたようです。貧しい大村の力のない大名が 領地を占領されないため 貿易によって領地がうるおうようにと必死だったのでしょう。
関が原の合戦や幕末の混迷のなかで 大村藩の人々は藩の存亡をかけて必死です。こっちがハラハラします。
じつは ゆうたんの通っている剣道場も創立152年になります。152年前の道場の床板の上でゆうたんは”やー”とか”どー”とか言ってお稽古をしています。
In the Edo period, a long main road from Nagasaki to Edo (Tokyo) was made by goverment. Part of the main road in Kyusyu island was called "the Nagasaki Kaido". Common travelers walked, noble or rich people got in basket palanquins or on horses to travel. Now that I can see many signs that say "This road used to be the Nagasaki Kaido" along the road. The road is very familier to people in Omura. Many cars and people come and go everyday. I sometimes imagine what did travelers think passing by Omura on Nagasaki Kaido. Did they like this place? Did they hurry to Nagasaki for some reasons? How did local people see the travelers?
Omura is famous for Sumitada Omura who became a Christian as a Japanese feudal lord. He had all of his poeple become Christians. Then according to priests' demand, he totally destroyed all of Buddhist or Shinto things such as temples, shrines and any statues. Afterwards, believing in Christianity was banned by the goverment for some reasons, a new feudal lord in Omura, a son of Sumitada Omura, destroyed all of churches and anything came from Christianity. I don't think the new feudal lord did dislike Christianity. Yoshiaki obviously wanted to demolish the fact all people in Omura used to be Christians to protect his land and people. Otherwise, the goverment would take the land of Omura away from the Yoshiaki, eventually Omura wouldn't exist in the future. That's certainly cruel but happening at times in the Edo priod. The feudal lord, Yoshiaki Omura, used the Nagasaki Kaido to appeal to the goverment let alone travelers that Omura town is beautiful and has changed to be a Buddhist one. Yoshiaki placed massive Buddhist grave stones and beautiful special fences along the Nagasaki Kaido. We can see them as remains. I don't really think those are beautiful. On the other hand, I feel the strong will that people in Omura used to have to protect their land and peaceful living.
In fact, it is said that Sumitada Omura, the first Christian fedal lord in Japan, got to be a Christian merely for a trade with Portugal and Spain. Because people from the two countries strongly demanded to be allowed teaching Japanese their religion. After all, Sumitada turned out to be a strict Christian during his lifetime. Anyhow, Sumitada was just a weak feudal lord in a poor small town and desperately wanted to trade with foreign countries to make some profit for his people. In other words, the feudal lords in Omura loved their land and people so much. People loved their town and lord as well. I love the fact and can feel their soul in my town. You can see their strong will for protecting Omura town at some turning points such as a turmoil in the end of Edo period. It's certain gripping for me.
The Kendo club that Yutan belongs to has been established since 1854. According to the fact, the floor in the studio has been used for 152 years. Yutan is practicing Kendo on such old historical floor. Isn't it just amazing? Hopefully, Yutan would show excellent performance at Kendo for his many seniors' sake.
Thank you so much for reading. Writing this was challenging and fun for me.
Since I moved here in Nagasaki, I've noticed to be surrounded by many historical places. That fact made me love the history. So far,I reallly didn't like history because I didn't have good memory for numbers and names. Now that I like history of my town, Omura, I read some books. Then I itch to tell someone some *interesting* stories picked up from the books, my husband is aggravated by me telling same stories over and over again. So, today, I attempt to tell YOU about part of Omura's history!
去年の8月から月一回の歴史講座に通ってました。先日がその最終回だったのですが いくつか史跡もまわりました。講義でも説明をしてくださる市役所の方がとてもとても物知りで 鳥かごに飼って史跡を連れて歩きたいほどでした。70名くらいの参加者のほとんどは たぶん地元のシニアのかただったと思います。行く先々でご自分の子供の頃を振り返って独り言のように昔のことを語ってくださり それを聞くのがまた臨場感があるというのでしょうか とても楽しかったです。
I've taken a course of history held by the city since last August. I went to the last one of the program last Saturday. Not only listening to the lecture but also we went to historical places. I've been amazed by an instructer who dearly knows many things about my town. Thanks to him, we got a great deal of Omura's history. We attendants were 70ish in all, many of them were senior. At the places we went together, they used to tell stories in their childhood. They told tales so lively that I enjoyed to listen to them very much.
長崎街道を大村から佐世保方面へ少し行ったところ 刃物で有名な "松原宿" の松原春日神社にある土俵です。昔から松原には強いお相撲さんがいて江戸時代の力士の大きなお墓もあります。秋にはお祭りがあって お相撲大会 やってましたよ!
This is a Sumo wrestling ring in Matsubara Kasuga Shrine. Matsubara Town is in Omura city and famous for good knives. There used to be strong Sumo wrestlers and massive grave stones of some of them in the Edo period. In Matsubara town, they have a Sumo match in every Fall. I actually saw it last Fall. That was amazing. ( Oh, I'll have to have a little break since I have to make dinner for my family right now. I'll be back in a bit soon!! See you then :-D )
In the Edo priod( 1603-1867 ) Matsubara was a place travelers took a break sipping a cup of green tea in a cafe. This picture is part of a gate of a cafe.
This used to be a hotel long time ago in Matsubara. This hotel is a museum now. You can get in this museum to look at inside for free. If you do, watch your head. The ceiling is very low because old Japanes were shorter than modern Japanese.
ご存知のように 大村は昔 長崎街道が通っていたところです。ふつうに毎日のように通っている道にも ココが昔は長崎街道だったんですよ と示す ”長崎街道”の看板を見ることができます。江戸時代から どんな人がどんな思いでここを通ったのか、大村の町の人たちはどんな思いで 街道をゆく旅人達を見送ったのか・・・なんだかわかる気がする身近な街道です。
大村は 日本ではじめてのキリシタン大名 大村純忠の領地でした。純忠の領民はすべてキリシタンとなり、寺社仏閣、仏像までもキリシタンによって ことごとく破壊されました。キリスト教の禁教後は キリスト教に関するもの、キリスト教を連想させるものはすべて取り壊されました。当時は幕府によるお家取り潰しが頻繁に行われていて大村藩が生き残るために 藩は大村がいかに仏教を信仰する町として生まれ変わったか 素晴らしい町であるかを 町の中を通る長崎街道を利用して 街道をゆく人々にアピールしました。たとえば 6,7メートルもある巨大な墓石や 五色の石を埋め込んだ珍しい塀を街道沿いに配置したのです。
それらが美しいのかセンスが良いのか判断によりますが 大村を守ろうとする人々の必死な思いを強く感じます。
日本初のキリシタン大名であった大村純忠もはじめは ポルトガルやスペインとの貿易をするために布教をみとめたようです。貧しい大村の力のない大名が 領地を占領されないため 貿易によって領地がうるおうようにと必死だったのでしょう。
関が原の合戦や幕末の混迷のなかで 大村藩の人々は藩の存亡をかけて必死です。こっちがハラハラします。
じつは ゆうたんの通っている剣道場も創立152年になります。152年前の道場の床板の上でゆうたんは”やー”とか”どー”とか言ってお稽古をしています。
In the Edo period, a long main road from Nagasaki to Edo (Tokyo) was made by goverment. Part of the main road in Kyusyu island was called "the Nagasaki Kaido". Common travelers walked, noble or rich people got in basket palanquins or on horses to travel. Now that I can see many signs that say "This road used to be the Nagasaki Kaido" along the road. The road is very familier to people in Omura. Many cars and people come and go everyday. I sometimes imagine what did travelers think passing by Omura on Nagasaki Kaido. Did they like this place? Did they hurry to Nagasaki for some reasons? How did local people see the travelers?
Omura is famous for Sumitada Omura who became a Christian as a Japanese feudal lord. He had all of his poeple become Christians. Then according to priests' demand, he totally destroyed all of Buddhist or Shinto things such as temples, shrines and any statues. Afterwards, believing in Christianity was banned by the goverment for some reasons, a new feudal lord in Omura, a son of Sumitada Omura, destroyed all of churches and anything came from Christianity. I don't think the new feudal lord did dislike Christianity. Yoshiaki obviously wanted to demolish the fact all people in Omura used to be Christians to protect his land and people. Otherwise, the goverment would take the land of Omura away from the Yoshiaki, eventually Omura wouldn't exist in the future. That's certainly cruel but happening at times in the Edo priod. The feudal lord, Yoshiaki Omura, used the Nagasaki Kaido to appeal to the goverment let alone travelers that Omura town is beautiful and has changed to be a Buddhist one. Yoshiaki placed massive Buddhist grave stones and beautiful special fences along the Nagasaki Kaido. We can see them as remains. I don't really think those are beautiful. On the other hand, I feel the strong will that people in Omura used to have to protect their land and peaceful living.
In fact, it is said that Sumitada Omura, the first Christian fedal lord in Japan, got to be a Christian merely for a trade with Portugal and Spain. Because people from the two countries strongly demanded to be allowed teaching Japanese their religion. After all, Sumitada turned out to be a strict Christian during his lifetime. Anyhow, Sumitada was just a weak feudal lord in a poor small town and desperately wanted to trade with foreign countries to make some profit for his people. In other words, the feudal lords in Omura loved their land and people so much. People loved their town and lord as well. I love the fact and can feel their soul in my town. You can see their strong will for protecting Omura town at some turning points such as a turmoil in the end of Edo period. It's certain gripping for me.
The Kendo club that Yutan belongs to has been established since 1854. According to the fact, the floor in the studio has been used for 152 years. Yutan is practicing Kendo on such old historical floor. Isn't it just amazing? Hopefully, Yutan would show excellent performance at Kendo for his many seniors' sake.
Thank you so much for reading. Writing this was challenging and fun for me.
Someone please translate this for me.
I\'ll start to translate that right now.
I'm grateful to you for encouraging me to practice English.
I am glad that your kids like history. I want children to get a great deal from history because they will make the future of this world. SA, you have great kids!