even of free…

Bing Image Creatorで開発前の盛岡駅裏を再現したい #5(未完成)

2023年05月30日 04時43分18秒 | 風景

The scene should include a grass baseball field in the center


(((populated low-rise residential area))),(((irregularly arranged buildings))),(a few small shops and local factories),(((The roads should be narrow))), ((with curves and dead ends)),wastelands and abandoned lands


(((populated low-rise residential area))),(((irregularly arranged buildings))),school site,(((The roads should be narrow))),((a few gravel roads)),((with curves and dead ends)),wastelands and abandoned lands.


((along the road)),(((in order from right))),(((barber shop,milk store,Yakitori restaurant,cleaning store,abandoned apartment)))


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