カラスが リンゴの種を運んで来て 育ったのかな ?
誰も 手を加えないので ミニリンゴのまま 河川敷に生きている ♪
食べてみたら 酸っぱいリンゴでしたね ♪
で見られます ♪
The apple which only 3 centimeters comes to have a big ♪
A crow carried the kind of the apple and was brought up?
Because nobody adds a hand, I live as a mini-apple in the riverbed ♪
It was the apple which was sour if I ate ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪

誰も 手を加えないので ミニリンゴのまま 河川敷に生きている ♪
食べてみたら 酸っぱいリンゴでしたね ♪
で見られます ♪
The apple which only 3 centimeters comes to have a big ♪
A crow carried the kind of the apple and was brought up?
Because nobody adds a hand, I live as a mini-apple in the riverbed ♪
It was the apple which was sour if I ate ♪
The photograph
is seen ♪